Thursday, May 13, 2010

Garden Reprive

Someone said I should add organic matter to my garden and that is a good idea. I already added it to my new grape vines. What I prefer to use in the garden is fish emulsion because I can't carry organic material and heavy bags of compost, and can't afford it anyway. I know the soil looks worse than it is, but I took the pictures on a very dry, dusty day. Still, I guess I could start saving coffee grounds and have egg shells to grind. I can not use grass clippings because here it is Bermuda grass, the worst grass in the world. The roots of Bermuda grass will spear right through any root crop and it is a battle trying to keep it out of the garden. If you ever bite down on a root spear that has grown through a potato you will feel like you have bitten down on a sharp nail. Still, I will think about what I can do to improve the soil, as was suggested.

I didn't work in the yard today. I stayed in and rested. The humidity is very high and I don't want to challenge my B/P. So I went to the Chinese Restaurant and challenged my tummy instead. Yum...a proper challenge. And I was tired out from yesterday and didn't eat well last eve. because I was too worn out to cook. I had a big bowl of shredded wheat and went to bed last night and woke up around 7 AM. For people who say they can't sleep...plant a garden.

The kid next door is having truck problems. He has an elderly van that is probably at least 20 years old. He has a flat tire that he cant fix because he has stripped the lug nut. Then he broke the stem off the tire. He has been back and forth borrowing tools and trying to fix his tire, but I think he may have to get a new drum or get the lug drilled out somehow. I don't think he is a kid that has ever had much and I am pretty sure he doesn't have much money. When I was that age I didn't have much money, either, so I know what it is like.

The TV keeps calling for rain and the rain keeps going right around us. My garden needs rain. It is so dry that the worms are carrying canteens. The birds are scratching up all the been seeds and probably eating the beet seeds. Bad Grackles. So...even though I didn't work too hard I am tired and going to bed soon.


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