Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sweat Labor

My yard looks pretty good. It should. I put a lot of work into it. Even 'though I mowed on Friday the big rain(s) made the grass grow twice as fast and twice as high. I dropped the mower down to just two inches and cut the green grass shorter. I did start to trim, but the trimmer is too heavy for my arm so I just did a few places. All in all, my arm is getting stronger: it just won't bend-un-bendable me...hee hee.

I still can't get work done in the garden as it is still wet and has not dried out quite enough. I see a few onions poking up, but no corn. I think I even see a few potatoes peeking up from the mud, but I am not sure. Absolutely, weeds are in the forefront of all growth. There are a few beans that came up on their own and I think there may be a few Okra sneaking up out of the ground. If it does not rain tonight I may be able to get some more seeds planted. I hope so.

A "friend" called me right at lunch time and wanted me to drive out to where she works and take her B/P because she was not "feeling right" and had been vomiting. I can take her B/P, but I won't know what is causing her to be sick. I can tell her if it is high, low, or in between, but I won't know why. If someone feels so bad that they want me to drive five miles each way through a road construction site-they need to go to an out-patient clinic, the hospital or get a complete work-up from their favorite witch doctor.

In the course of the phone conversation she finally came out with what is really bothering her; her husband. He wants to go visit his mother and family on Mother's Day and she wants to go to Indianapolis to see her new grand child. They can't seem to compromise and I KNOW she won't give in. As she often says herself, "IT'S MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY." I kid you not-those are her words out of her mouth and she means it. I asked her if they couldn't come to some kind of compromise and the answer was NO! I don't think women should generally marry younger men. They want to dominate and it can lead to some problems. Thus, I conclude she has stressed herself out and made herself sick which can lead to real-serious sickness/anxiety.

Tomorrow I hope to post some pictures of the tomatoes I started in peat pots. I meant to do so today, but it is getting pretty dark out and I am tired. I am starting to if my hair would just go from white to brown; wouldn't that be a grand slam tan!

The weather stayed nice for change; warm and windy. A couple more days. please, and I can have most of the garden in-Thank you.


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