Tuesday, May 18, 2010

me too tired

I'm tired. I always am when I work in the yard and garden. It brings out the beast in me, too. I could eat the leg off a cow, but I'm too tired to chase it. You would think it would help me to lose weight, but it just makes me hungry and increases my appetite. The good thing about working in the yard and garden today is that it stayed cool. It was a bit breezy, but a good day for work and work I did. I will sleep well tonight.

I replanted a few onions that didn't show forth. I had some onions that were going bad and sprouting so in the ground they went. I need to hit the bare spots in the corn row tomorrow. More beans were uncovered. No beets yet. I know I have moles in the yard and that is not good. All the birds are probably eating the seeds, as well. I know I have written some of this before, but it is aggravating to work so hard and not see the fruits of my labors. Well, one good thing...not many weeds left and the garden had dried out enough to go through it with the baby tiller again.

I hope to set some tomato plants out into the garden tomorrow and I re-potted a couple blueberry plants that were not very strong yet. I have two blueberry bushes in the ground with little berries on them. I notice that K-mart did not open their garden center this year, but do have plants out in front of the store. Maybe I will get a chance to look at them this week before they are all gone. Some of the perennials at Lowe's are half priced now.

I have lots to do tomorrow(Wednesday)and will be doing well to get half of my plans executed. I work a little, rest a little, so I guess it takes me about twice as long to complete a task as it would for anyone else. But I won't complain, esp. since the Surgeon that repaired my elbow said I would never garden or mow the grass again. I guess we showed him, didn't we!! HA!! So there, know-it-all Doctor.

As there isn't much else going on I will call it a night, drink my milk and wander off to bed.


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