Friday, May 7, 2010

Still planting

The rain has held off so I was able to get back to my planting in the garden. While it may not seem like a lot is being accomplished, each time it rains I have to wait for the ground to dry out and till it again as it becomes cracked, baked cake-like and hard. Then it has to be racked off again to get rid of the weeds that want to take up residence. So, half my time I am redoing what I did. After the re-do I did get a 30 ft. row of beets planted and a 30 ft. row of beans. I ran out of beans about 3 feet short of the end of the row. I finished with some left-over purple bean seeds from last year. No telling what I will get in the end.

I am running out of room in the garden spot. I still have tomatoes, squash, Spinach and turnips to plant. I would like to try some leeks, too. For the leeks I may try a bit of square ft. planting and maybe for the Spinach, too. I have just enough room in the main garden spot for the tomatoes if I till it a little more. I hope I can keep up with it all! still

I was really worn out when I came in. The wind kept the mosquitoes at bay and the clouds kept the heat down a bit. As it started getting dark I decided to quit and put my stuff away. I cooked myself a steak-rare, and some pasta and poured a big glass of buttermilk.Ahhh.

If it rains tonight...and it may...I will go to the garden store and get some markers for the garden. Right now I am using bricks. I will also get some turnip seed; I thought I had some.
Time to sit back and relax and watch a little TV.


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