Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Time in the yard

If you look closely at the pictures you will see potatoes and corn coming up and in an other shot there are onions. The Peony's are in flower and smell really good. In one picture where the stake is coming out of the ground is where one of two blueberry bushes is planted. In another picture where there is just some round looking dirt there is one of two seedless grape vines planted. After I took the pictures I got busy with the baby tiller and went down the rows. The garden looks much better now. I should have waited until after I did the work to take the pictures. Then I mowed the back yard. I think it all looks pretty good for now. Just call me "Tiller the Hun." I forgot to mention there is one shot of "weeds" along side of a storage area. They are pretty "weeds" so I left them.

I decided to do more today as the rain is holding off for now. WE do need some rain. It has poured all around, but not here. You can see how dry and cracked the soil is in a couple pictures. So..I got a lot done and sweat copiously, The humidity is high, the temperature is in the low eighties and cloudy. We will get moisture, but who knows when. I hope it is a gentle, soaking rain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you need to add some organic matter to your garden.