Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I won't write much tonight.  I'm a little bit tired.  This "hurry up and wait" bit can make you sleepy.

Finally the "worker" showed up at about 1 P.M. this afternoon.  I will say this for him, once he got started he did a good job.  There is a little left to be done yet, such as caulking the small seams and painting, but that will have to wait.  I may do it myself when I have time.  It isn't that hard, even with with one good arm and one that wants to be.

I have a lot of things to do in the next few days which is why the finishing touches will have to wait.  Corner Health Care will come and change out my O2 concentrator as it is getting old and making funny do I, esp. when I eat beans.  LOL!  I need to go to the Drug store as I ran out of med. two days ago, and I need to go to the library.  I need..I need to do this or that, and a short trip to the grocery store wouldn' hurt.

I have been taking a few pictures of the shelves, before and after kind of shots.  I won't post the until them until whole deed is done and looking good.

"Patience is a virtue" and I was short on that today.  Maybe I will now recover from my little spit~snit in short order, but I really wanted the work done today and finished.

Grant me
the Serenity
to Accept
the Things
I Cannot Change
Courage to Change
the Things I Can
and Wisdom
to Know the Difference.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Mabel,

My work for today starts out with going over to my garden and digging the potatoes I have been putting off for a while now. My window of opportunity is closing as we are to start raining this afternoon and rain for the next several days. Its now become an "I have to" rather than an "I want to", LOL. That is what I get for procrastinating!!

Well, I did really have other jobs that had to take priority. But yesterday was a goof off day and I went down to Illinois Amish country. I did enjoy the day and that was needed too. It was a great day!

Blessings, Alice