Saturday, September 3, 2011


 Folks go to church on Sunday
and think they have it made
But there are six more days in which
to practice what we have prayed
You can't just read the Scriptures
You have to live them, too
And in your soul you must believe
God knows what's best for you
Life takes a lot more giving
Than most of us condone
But everything belongs to God
...And nothing is our own.
by Elizabeth E Easley

Come to me all ye that labor and are burdened
and I will will refresh you.
Matt. X1:28

OK, so it's Labor Day week-end.  It is supposed to a be time of rest and relaxing, that last, long holiday until  Thanksgiving.  and it is also a Sunday, right smack dab in the middle of it.  I wonder how many will make it to church or Sunday Services.
I am gonna bet that a lot of people will be nursing some bad
headaches or sick stomachs in the morning.  LOL'!  And a number of my relatives can be counted on to be basket cases in the A.M. as well!  I will not say I come from a family of angles, nope, not me, but I will say be careful and don't overdo it;  "All things in moderation."

The first Labor Day was celebrated on Sept. 5 1882 and again in 1883.  Around 1887-1888 it became a state holiday in recognition of the laborers that built the social and economic-prosperity of this country.  The movement to honor the
American worker grew and spread from state until it was signed into law as a national holiday.  Someone was looking out for the
little guy, who by the sweat of his brow and tears of his sacrifices, gave us the inheritance of Labor Day.  Since I am not sure of the exact sequence of years and passages of the legislatures, you might want to look it up and read about it.

"Man is born to labor and the bird to fly." Job V:7
"In the sweat of thy face  thou shalt eat thy bread."  Gen. 111:19.

Two big ol' monster men from the Salvation Army came and took apart the computer hutch/desk and now it is gone.  Those guys were really sweating bullets in this heat.  Now, they have to take it to the S. A. store and put it back together.  I'll bet they won't like that!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


It is real easy to talk the talk, even Satan can do that. But to walk the walk that goes with the talk takes a true person of faith and conviction and I am afraid there are not many of those around any more.

The great apostasy (sp), "falling away" of the church has already begun. It is quite sad to see.

We actually had a great turn out at New Hope Christian Fellowship Church yesterday. I do believe most of those folks are trying to walk that walk of faith and I give them a lot of credit. It is not easy in the world today to do the right thing. There are just so many people and things to get in the way or side track a person.

I'll bet you are happy to get that computer desk out of there! Good for you!!

We are much cooler here today. I had to put sweats on this morning but it sure feels good. :-)

Have a blessed day!
Love, Alice