Friday, July 20, 2012

Culture of Violence

By now most everyone knows that some really bad events happened to innocent people in Colorado.  We live in a culture of violence.  We should live in a culture of prayer.

This country of ours has been in a continuous war somewhere on the globe for the past 11 years.  We train our best and brightest to wage war and the TVs and newspapers continue to glorify the spillage of blood.  TV is a major influence on the youth of today that will kill tomorrow.  Sounds like a generalization, but pick up any newspaper.  We train for the demise of our fellow kind, whether we admit it or not.

Obama said he would bring the troops home.  He can't.  If he did he would have a nation of out-of work  discontent soldiers who know how to use weapons.  He can't.   Our economy now runs on the manufacture and dispensation and sales of weapons of war.  We can't sell houses or new cars, but we sure can sell weapons.

The boy who went haywire probably was a loose cannon before he fired his cannons.  He didn't know that guns are for personal protection not personal vindication.  I believe in the right to own and bear arms for the safety of home and person, not for misuse or abuses.  He was young.  He was stupid.  He was influenced by the wrong values and probably mentally unsound.

Now, you will hear the cry for gun confiscation and gun control...louder than ever.  Don't give up your rights to protect your home and hearth.  We need to maintain a standing military to protect our shores and the contsitsution.  Democracy starts with our own flag and our our own people.  What we don't need to do is hype up "bringing freedom" to semi-slave nations...which is not really very effective, by the way.

We are the only animals on earth that kill for sport or pleasure, not for food and survival.  While it is horrible what happened this day in Colorado,  we must admit that we still have the cowboy mentality.  If you want it, take it.  If you want to do something, do it: to hell with the consequences.

Remember the gentle years of Bing Crosby and Bob Hope, Lucy and Kraft Theater, The Lone Ranger and Dick Tracy?  We need to do a little back-tracking and reappraise our culture.  Tone down the blood and gore on TV and the news, and become a prayerful people again.  When we were a Godly nation we were a powerful nation.  Let it be so again.  Just my opinion, thank you.



James 4: 17

The devil is alive and well
and has found a home
in our country.
He is active and abroad.


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