Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What we are...

Just in case I didn't tell you a million times before...or you just didn't listen, you need to start stocking up, if at all possible.  While going through the sale bills today I noticed that there are hardly any canned vegetables or canned meats on sale.  There is plenty of fresh meat, but people can not hardly afford good cuts of meat anymore.  If you can buy and stock up on meat, then learn to can it or preserve it.  All meat bearing animals depend on corn and grain and the corn crop has failed.  So...if you see good deals on meat between now and fall, which just around the corner, go for it.  Also, if you can get some bottled water for personal use-drinking water-that is on sale, buy it.  As the rivers and wells fall good drinking water may become  scarce because of itsy bitys microbes and bacteria, you will have purified H20 on hand to slake your thirst.

It is hot and humid without a raindrop in sight.  I think if we had a good rain I would go dancing in the rain, but not naked.  I picked one lonely tomato today.  It was stunted; about the size of a golf ball, but ripe.  I did enjoy the two bites as it was flavorful...good.  I want more!

The Chinese are starting to feel the monetary pinch, as we have been doing for the past three years.  If they get cantankerous they will not loan the Bank of Obama any more money and take away his credit card.  That may well be a good thing.  A good kick in the Obama butt might give him a wake-up call and set his alarm clock to buzzing.  He is a guy of words and wrong actions...just my opinion, ya know.

An interesting bit of information that you DON'T know.  The news is not covering it.  There have been two...2...incursions by Soviet Bombers into American airspace off California in two weeks.  Didn't hear about that did ya?  We can guess..or I will.. that Russia is testing our resolve to protect our airspace and country.  They know that we are tied up in Afghanistan, Pakistan and quietly "involved" in Iran.  They know that we have a weak president and therefore a weakened resolve to protect our own boarders.  Yea, Mr. President!  Don't want to take you away from the campaign trail and get you all distracted from what is really important.  Oh, give the guy a break, says I. At lest he is a good father and husband...I think.



Hebrews 4: 16

Those old Hebrew fellows  of the Old Testament were pretty inspired guys, don't you think?  The Old Testament laid out the foundation for the coming of Christ right from the start.  Who among us would have thought to write out the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone as in Exodus...let alone expect the generations to live by the precepts.  Most of us...not.  The old men of the Old Testament set mankind on the path of righteousness to make way for the New Covenant...the fulfillment of prophecy and establish a New Kingdom of  God...well, new to us anyway.  Of course, the Old Men of the Bible did have a little help from a high place to give them a "little heads up" directives.  We are all called to be prophets.  Do you think or feel like a prophet?  Well, your supposed to be!  So...what is a prophet, anyway?  It is one who speaks the truth and carries the word of God that has been reveled to him...or her.  Remember the word...(sacred)revelation...reveled.


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