Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 gone.....2013 slides in on a minor storm

New year's Eve of 2013.  I don't know what the rest of the world is doing tonight, but I am staying home and off the roads, drinking my hot tea.  Yes, plain ol' hot tea.  And I have the perfect remedy for a hangover.....don't...just don't.  You know exactly what I mean.  If you don't, you won't...have a wreak, fall down and break your head, waste your money or have a sick stomach and headache tomorrow.

Now as for New Year's resolutions, be practical.  You know you won't keep most of them anyway.  Why do we need to wait for the new year to do what is right in our lives, improve our lives or decree that we will become better persons.  Shouldn't that be a daily endeavor?  I hereby resolve not to make any New Year's resolutions.  I do hereby intend to be a better individual, the best that I can or the best that I know how.  Well, good luck to me!

We are about to have our third storm of 2012 to usher out the old and bring on the new.  Yes, another storm starts tonight and is supposed to welcome in 2013.  At lest it is supposed to be a mild event and not as generous to us as the last two snows that we had.  Even so, with all the late rains and the snows, we are still about 12 inches below normal rains which means that we are still in a drought. What, a drought in winter in the middle of the country?   Oh Noooo....well, actually yes. 

Speaking of droughts, we are also in a political drought, where actions need to take precedent, but very little gets done.  There is a bunch of parasites and old geezers pretending too act in our behalf and for the good of the country.  Well, Ho, Ho, Ho, said  Ol' Saint Nick as he gleefully got out of town, back to his domain of the North, where the banksters and the politicos can't find him.  Smart old man, that St. Nick!

January 1 is also a Holy Day of Obligation, THE SOLEMNITY OF MARY the mother of Jesus.  I hope I can make it out for the mass and that the roads are dry and not slick.

FOR 2013

Friday, December 28, 2012

Another storm comes

I am in for the duration.  I am going to hibernate until spring.  There is another storm on the way-actually it is here.  It started this evening with rain, sleet and then turned into snow.  I went to church, got milk, bread and a couple of other things.  Now I am in. I don't know what tomorrow brings, let alone Sunday.  One day at a time, says I.

There were not very many people at mass today.  It is mostly an older bunch that go to mass during the week.  I do not blame them for not getting out in the cold and on to bad streets.  I know it took me a while to clear my van and then drive over the snow that was plowed across my drive way.  I suppose that I will need to do it all over again.  Guess what...there is another storm on the way around Monday night and for Tuesday.  OK.  Maybe I just won't make it out for church.

As there isn't a lot to say during the winter months because ativities are curtailed or just plain absent.  I am sure the kids are happy with the snow.  I was when I was a kid.  Now I would rather let someone else play in the snow and just watch out the window.  I am in, warm and toasty.

1 Corintians
ch. 15: 10
Paul is preaching that He, the least of the Apostles, has been converted to the teahings of Jesus.  He may think himself as the least of the Apostles, but God had plans or him in spite of his previous persecution of the Jews.  It tends to make one consider that there is redemption for all that believe in Christ and that there truely is many rooms in His Father's Mansion.  You have the key to open the lock to one of the many rooms.  Will you?



Thursday, December 27, 2012


God is an abstract.  Like a painting on the wall; you may see the beauty the artist has rendered, but not be able to understand the picture within the frame. You can not see God, touch God, generally hear God's voice, and generally you can not feel God.  But that does not make God any less of what God is.  Some, in rare instances, have looked upon the face of God, and God has perhaps touched someone saintly, with the presence of His omnipotence.

We know that there is a God and that the God of Light is in all of us, perhaps brightly illuminating some, lighting the path for others, or only a dim spark in the soul of doubters and "disbelievers."

Yet, we know that there is a God in all things, within us, and everywhere.  Because we are of the human estate we can not envision God.  But God works through us as co-creators with the the capacity to imagine, construct a material world, seek the spiritual essance Him, and see God as only our limited vision can.

Look around and see the vast universe that God has created.  The cosmos is not a happy accident.  There is an elegance in the universe.  We, people of God, are such a complexity that only God could have made us.  Who can make a flower bloom or a tree bear fruit?  Man can procreate, but man can not create as God has.  You are special and have a God given dominion on the earth and over the earth.  And you/I have a soul.

Perhaps I am wrong, but I do not believe that there is a true atheist or agnostic.  We all believe that there is a "someone or a something" greater than we.  For me...I believe in God.  I may not understand all the greatness and fullness of God, but it is this simple.  I believe.  I see the presence of God in all that I look upon and God sees me.

The God who is an abstract to us, sent His Only Son to us, so that we would have a living, breathing, feeling savior that we could in our infancy of believing, relate to and follow the precepts that He taught.  He is the Shepherd of the flock and we are the lambs.  Jesus is the shepherd of our souls.

I wish I could express myself better and put into words what I am trying to convey.  I can't.  I am dumber than a box of rocks.  At the same time I wonder is anyone, philosopher, theologian or just a big brain, can explain God.  If you can, and you know, let me in on whatever secrets you hold.

I suppose that sometimes I am hard to follow.  I often have a hard time trying to understand what I write.  I guess I try to write as the Spirit directs me.  I hope that I, in my weakness of understanding, do not mis-direct anyone here.  After all, it isn't like I am a Thomas Merton


Wednesday, December 26, 2012


The blizzard of 2012 came and went.  Basically it was a "snow job" with over 7 inches of snow here in this local.  I am sure that it had a bad effect on many and caused sorrow to those that were tragically impacted by the storm.  To me it was nothing in comparison to the blizzard of 1977.  In that blizzard the highways were closed down for a good week with a good inch of solid ice on the roadways.   I was stuck at work for about a week as my car was plowed under.  This time I was at home, warm and happy and watching it out the window.  This time my driveway was blocked by the snow plow, but that's O. K.  I wasn't going way.

A lot of the snow melted as the day wore on, but there is still plenty of it out there, and now what melted is freezing.  I would like to get out and go to mass tomorrow, but if I don't...I don't.  I would like to pick up some bread and milk if I do get out.  Gotta have my milk.

It is possible that there will be more snow and crude over the week-end.  We will get what we get and like it.  I...don'

Apocalypse 12: vs. 1-2
 I didn't copy all the verses as for now I really only wanted to relate to what is above.  Some of you know that I have a deep devotion to the Mother of Jesus and pray the rosary every day.  Sometimes out necessity I get to it late, but I try to stay true to a schedule.  I have at times fell half asleep while praying the rosary and I am pretty sure gibberish emitted from my mouth, but the intent was there.  I believe the rosary is a very powerful prayer and will change you and all those that pray the rosary with you in unison with the whole world.  Keep in mind that God chose Mary as a sacred vessel of holiness, to carry the Christ Child.  We honor her as the choice above all.  Hopefully, all will adopt the rosary and the special tribute we give to Her, the Mother of the Savior Child.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Mary Christmas to all

I thought about not posting today as it is Christmas.  There isn't much that I can say about the Holy Day that hasn't already been said.

I went to midnight mass last eve./morning.  My intent was to sleep late.  Don't you know I woke up anyway.

I did some cooking, eating, laying around and watching a bunch of Christmas shows.  My kind of day.

As I write this there is a blizzard warning up so I guess I will recycle this day and do it all over again tomorrow.  I did get the snow shovel out and ready.  I don't really want to shovel snow...maybe it will skip me and visit thee.

I wish everyone a blessed, Holy, Mary Christmas.  If it had not been for Mary submitting to the will of God there would not have been a "Merry Christmas."


Monday, December 24, 2012


It's Monday, the day before Christmas and not Christmas Eve.  I am starting this post early as I will be out on Christmas Eve.  I will be at the Midnight Mass-if I can find a place to park.

We will not have snow for Christmas.  We have the promise of blizzard-like conditions on Tuesday eve. and on on Wednesday.  We may have up to eight inches of snow.  If so, I will not be going to church on Wednesday.  I guess I will have to get the snow shovel out...sigh.

I made a big pot of vegetable stew with leftover chicken and veggies.  It turned out well and it is good if you are watching your weight.  Lots of fat-free or low-fat soup and boiled eggs.  Tomorrow will be a guilt free day-yum.

I just go my utility bill in the mail.  It was $129. 45. for everything.  Gas, electric, sewer and water, school tax and miscellaneous.  I thought it would be higher as I have been , running the furnace a lot.  Yes, insulation, a closed front porch(foyer) and closed back porch make a big difference in your bills.  Now you know why I stay right where I am.

While it is bright and sunny out today there is a cool wind snaking and slithering about... Sssss! The weather is about to change; I feel it in my arm.

For anyone who prays the rosary; Today, on Monday, we pray the Joyful Mysteries.  It is so appropriate for the day as it is the mysteries of the annunciation-the announcement to Mary that she will deliver the Christ Child, of the visitation to Elizabeth that  she is also is carrying a special child(John, the Baptist)in her old age, the birth of  Jesus in a manger, the presentation and finding of Jesus in the temple.  Very timely on Christmas Eve.

P. S.  The wind chill is dropping and so is the temperature.

Friday, December 21, 2012

What is prayer?

And the winner is...Mother Nature.  Father S. came to mass in a cable knit turtleneck sweater.  I noticed that he kept it on under his vestments.  Smart fella.

Yes, it was cold.  The wind was bitter and sliced through whatever you were wearing.  And I saw people without jackets, with sleeves rolled up so that they could show off their tattoos.  Dumber than rocks.

When I went into church there were a few puddles in the parking lot.  When I came out the puddles had frozen.  On the way to get my hair cut I saw a big tree down.  I don't know when it came down, but it was a big tree.  The wind stayed strong, whipped up by the hand of Mother Nature, and she wasn't just making frosting for the cake.

The other day as I was going to mass a women came riding up on a bicycle, went into the back door and a few moments later came right out with a bag the had been left for the food pantry.  I wondered if I should have said something or told someone.  I thought about it and decided that she indeed looked poor and probably needed whatever food stuffs that was in the bag.  So I let it pass because that is what the church is all about,; prayer and action and assisting those in need.  Usually we tend not to see the poor, but donate and think that we are doing "good."  I think that is only a small part of what Christ was trying to teach us.  We are such slow learners. 

I was thinking about prayer.  I wonder if we or I, really know how to pray.  We know all the correct words and formulas, attend our churches and hopefully live good Christian lives...but do I really, really know how to pray?
I give it my best effort according to what I know, feel, and have been taught, but it may  not be my very best.  My mind is always full of thoughts and distractions, flitering in and out, and taking me away from my intent.  To pray is to commune with God.  To speak with God on a higher level with true love and devotion.  I wish that I could make my mind and heart blank like a clean slate and fill myself with the Holy Spirit.

I know in the literal and intelligent sense that we are a portion, and yet a wholeness of God, and that He resides within, but I do wish that I understood more fully of what prayer is and how to pray in a more complete and deepness.  I wonder if I will ever feel the completeness I search for; Maybe not in this life.

Oh, you probably think that I have fell of the deep end of the pool.  I tend to do that.  That's how we learn to swim in the ebbs and flows or our spiritual souls.  We (I) am ever searching.  We all are.  Sink or swim or do the doggie paddle.  I guess I do the doggie paddle and try to stay afloat.

The weather prognosticators were saying that we were going to have a mild winter.  We are just getting into the winter season and they just may be proved wrong.  It's any one's guess...including the weatherman.

The Apostles asked Jesus-Master-how they were to pray and he told them to pray thus:


Thursday, December 20, 2012

The cold winds of time

Cold.  Don't like it.

I stayed in today.  The wind was really strong and gusting up to 50 miles per hour at times.  A couple items blew over on the front porch; nothing important 'though.  I am glad that the tree was trimmed back a couple months ago.

My sleep button didn't work well last night.  I slept for about two hours and then woke up...wide awake.  There must be a short circuit in my nurual system somewhere.  Maybe tonight sleep will take over and I can get a full night's rest.
I turned on the little Edenpur heater because the kitchen is cold.  There are neat heaters, cheap to run and very safe.

By the time that some of you read this the end of the world will have come and gone.  Not to worry.  Your bills will still come in the mail tomorrow and you will still have to pay off the credit cards some of you have maxed out for Christmas.
You know the Bible clearly says that we will not know the day or the time of the "end" days.  You just need to be what you should be at all times, anyway.

There is really little to note as I have been in all day.  Tomorrow I may be out a lot, depending on the weather.  I am glad that I have that new coat because I think I may need it.

Thus you have it: a quiet day.

 Francis Bacon
Matt. 6: 21

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Holy Spirit Post 'cause I'm too tired to write it.

Well, here is a thought.  Why don't I just go to bed and let the Holy Spirit write this post for me.

Actually I am pretty tired as I have been on the go since this morning.  I am so tired that I think I will forgo mass tomorrow and sleep late.

Also, we are supposed to have rain in the morning and high, gusting winds.  That doesn't appeal to me as I might blow away. 

So, I have been to the Home and watched the floor.  The floor didn't move.  The employees had a really nice party that was given by the Sisters.  This was probably the best party that the employees ever had.

The Holy Spirit didn't show up to write this for me.  So...I am going to bed very soon.  I am really doing a yawn song.

by C. K. Chesterton
VS. 8
VS. 13
Luke 13: vs. 8 and 13
Right now there is a whole lot of charity and giving going on.  I hope that it will last beyond the Advent Season.  Hunger, cold, suffering and want does not go away after the tinsel is off the tree and the tree is discarded.  Don't forget those in need will probably be in need after the parties are over.
Well, the Holy Spirit did not descend upon this poor post, but I am sure He helped me write it.  We are all part of His Cosmos.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My soul magnifies the Lord

Another day of running about.  I was thinking that tomorrow I would be in for the most part, and get a few things done.  Doesn't look like it 'though.  I hope I have enough time in between stuff, to get some gas. 

Tomorrow I will be at the home watching the floor while the staff has a Christmas party.  I hope no one gets sick or falls.  Anyway, that pretty well will occupy my day after mass.  Hey, I like parties, too!  They better fix me a plate...or else.

Because I have been out so much I am washing and drying cloths late...again.  I wonder if I can catch up with all that needs to be done.  Ugh!

I did get back to the store and exchange the bubble jacket I bought yesterday.  This one fits.  I am not fond of the wine color of the jacket, but I will live with it.  As long as I am warm I will not complain for I know that there are many that don't have a warm coat...even in this country, the land of opportunity, milk and honey.  "The poor are always with us."

So...I am tired and going to bed soon...after I finish this last load of cloths.  I need clean cloths.

If anyone is reading the Bible, read the Magnificate-Canticle of Mary- in Luke, Ch. 1, vs. 46 through 55.  It is an outstanding work of literature without equal, and a very important passage in Luke's gospel. I will call it a hinge piece of the gospels for want of a better description.

In reading John there is not a mention of the Annunciation or the birth of Jesus in a stable.  Instead John goes almost directly to the public ministry and works of Jesus. Read both if you can, for John is a short gospel.


DING DONG...ring my fixed door bell!

I finally got the door bell fixed.  It has been non-functional for months.  It was just finding the right sized battery for  it as it is wireless.  Now it is working again.  If someone comes and just knocks on the front door I can't hear them.  There are two more doors between them and me.  My house is well insulated and that makes it hard to hear whoever is at the front door.  In a way I don't want to know who is on the front porch, but occasionally people have had to call me on their cell phones while standing at the door.  For their sake I put in a little extra effort in finding the right sized battery.  Ding Dong!

I went back to Wal-Mart this afternoon and bought a bubble coat.  Tomorrow I take it back as it is the wrong size.  The clothing made overseas and in Asia are sized for smaller people even if the tag says differently.  This is not the first time I have had to take cloths back to the store and exchange it or get a refund.  I would like a new jacket that fits, thank you.

Gasoline is now down to $2.87 per gal.  I wonder how long that will last.  I think the economy is a lot more fragile than we know for and everyone is maxing out their credit cards while they can.

Everyone here is making an other run on the gun shops.  Gun restrictions will not stop violence.  In the past week a man in China stabbed around the same  number of children-around 20 kids, plus adults.  We have been at war since 9/11.  We have a culture primed and trained for war, blood and guts.  The video games are all about war and violence.  Do the players really know where the plot starts and ends and who is the good guy or the bad guy?  It is all fantasy to them.  And our news media feeds on mayhem like vultures and we follow it blindly.  I can not take any more of it so I read two books in two days, just to relieve my heart and soul of the News Media Misery.

It is getting cold again.  When I went out to the store it wasn't half bad, but when I came out out of the store there was a cold wind blowing and I was happy to get home and in by the furnace.  Sometimes it doesn't take much to make me happy!

Mark 10: 15
Very simple or should be.  Jesus is telling us that we should live and love with the innocence and simplicity of a little child.  Is there hope for me yet as I have been construed as a little "simple" more than a few times?  We are such complex creations: I wonder why God made us so. 


Friday, December 14, 2012


I finished the book that I started yesterday.  It was a Mary Higgins Clark murder mystery.  Not a bad book, no nasty stuff, blood or guts; just a neat "who done it" kind of book.

Anyway, after church I went to Captain D's for lunch and ran into more friends.  I guess every one is out shopping and they all get hungry around the same time I do.

By now everyone is aware of the school shooting/tragedy.  It is really sad that little ones are not safe.

There isn't much else to write about other than to acknowledge that there are new, little angels in heaven.

I think that I will sleep late tomorrow...if my body clock will permit.  There isn't a 12:00 P.M mass so I think I will just laze the day away.

And tonight I won't even put up a Bible quote.  Its your turn.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

'round and 'round the day went

I've been to the Eye Dr.  My pressure remains high.  I go back in two weeks to be retested.  He has said that I may need laser surgery to get the pressure down.  I have already had laser surgery twice now, for the bleeding in my left eye.  That eye "seems" to be pretty good now, but I really wish the pressure would go down without more laser surgery.  Well, at least it doesn't hurt.

I made it out of the Dr's. office in time to go the Church with a little time to spare.  After mass I took myself to the Golden Corral for lunch and ran into some old friends from days of yore.  Then I went out to Wal-Mart and went 'round and 'round trying to find a place to park.  Finally I just gave up, drove home and took a nice nap.  I needed that!

I have been writing this off and on through the eve.  I stopped to cook supper.  I already had boiled potatoes in the refrigerator and I wanted to use them up and deep fry them.  I couldn't find my knife(because I hadn't washed it yet?)so I grabbed a chess cutter and sliced right through the potatoes.  That worked!

As late as it is, I just finished of a load of cloths.  While the cloths were in the dryer, I started a new book in spite of my less than perfect vision.  Now it is time to put the book away,  get ready for bed and say a few prayers.


2 Cor. 12: 12
Read and believe.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


 An odd day, but interesting.  I went to mass this morning to find that mass was cancelled, but there would be a mass at 6 P. M. instead.  Even the deacon didn't know why mass was cancelled.  So I went about my business of the day, took the wine over to the nursing home and then came back home.  I went to the 6 P. M. mass.  It was a mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  It was really nice with drums, songs in Spanish, a procession and a reenactment upon the alter of the vision/apparition of the Holy Blessed Mother.  I didn't understand much of the mass as Father Shonis celebrated the mass in Spanish.  Of course, you could follow the general form and prayers of the mass and I did enjoy it, but didn't expect it.

There are around 13.000 Spanish/Mexican families within the parish.  I didn't really know that.  I must say those little ones are so cute, esp. when they try to dance to the drums and sing.  They are the church of the future.

Tomorrow I will not be able to go to mass as I have an appointment with the Eye Dr.  I am sure it will take at least an hour or more as I have to go through a lot of tests.  My Eye Dr. keeps close tabs on my vision and pressure, which is good, but time consuming.  I am hoping to be done by the time of the 12:00 P. M. mass, but I doubt it.

I didn't get all that I wanted to do, done.  The split or different scheduling of the mass kind of changed my direction.  Well, I can go with the flow...roll with the tide...or any of that stuff, you know.  I just like to be a little more organized when possible.

And that was how my day went; how did yours go?

Luke 6: 40
Oh, I know.  Your going to say that the above verse is not in keeping with the Feast of Our lady of Guadalupe.  Well, that is OK.  I like it.  Juan Diago was humble to the Virgin Mary's request and instructions; so we must be as well. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


It's cold out and it is supposed to get down into the 20's before morning.  While that isn't as cold as it has been in past years, it is cold enough for me.

I went to the library this afternoon and picked up a couple of books.  I got a couple of fantasy books for lighter reading.  You may think that is an odd choice for me, but I have always enjoyed science fiction and fantasy books.   It gets me away from the reality of the world for just a little bit.  If we were able to face the realness of this often harsh world we probably would lose all our hair and sanity, too.  That is why it is good to take a break from all that is not good or acceptable in this world we have messed up.

I think that if the human spirit were capable of dealing with all the evils of this world...there would be no wars, hunger or the sufferings that we have a tendency to incur upon one another.  We, fallible and weak, couldn't cope with the failures of, and knowledge that we are less than what God intended us to be.  So God gave us the gift for the flight fancy and imagination.  He did so, that we might escape from seeing ourselves as we are, 24/7.  He lets us dream of a utopian universe.  He sees us as we have become and thus literally save us from ourselves by giving our brains away to rest every now and then.  At the same time we are creating within our spirits and becoming co-creators with Him.  Many great advances and discoveries have evolved from fantasies.

This sort of accounts for some of free will.  He turns us lose in our id, our inner identity, so that in a sense we can recharge and take off from where we were. Batteries do run down and people do, too, and we need the element of childish wonder and amusement.  We can put our brains on "hold" for a short time and delve into a good book or a good movie, CD or TV show.  Note that I said "good."

While I was out I finally got to the Post Office and then to Wal-Mart.  I didn't really get much at Wal-Mart, but was as happy as could be, to find a place to park and discover that there were not wall-to-wall people.  I guess most of the Christmas rush is over or slowing down.
I saw some jackets on sale and I need one.  My jacket is falling apart and I have the lining taped together with white plumber's tape.  I think the next time I go to Wal-Mart I may get one.

Tomorrow, after mass, I will run over to E-town and take over some bottles of wine for the resident's happy hour.  Sister told me that Wal-Mart had inexpensive wine, but they really don't.  I know where to get some 'though, and that would be at the CVS drug store.  You know the elderly do like a little wine on Sunday, and no, the Sisters do not drink, contrary to to some stories!

So tomorrow will be another busy day for me, but at least the price of gas is now $3.10 again.

Proverbs 3: 6

Monday, December 10, 2012

Cookes are good when your tired.

I attended the big celebration for the 75th anniversary of the Diocese on Saturday, the 8th, which was also the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception.  Boy, was I tired.  Really tired.  We got back around 6: 30 P. M. and the big bus got stuck in the back driveway of the church parking lot.  I don't know how that turned out.  We just got off the bus and walked over to our cars.  I have a bad relationship with buses! 

Anyway, I was really worn out-I am not a kid anymore-and I was on my feet for more time than was fun.  I was so tired when I got home that I didn't want to cook anything or fix supper-I ate a whole box of cookies instead and went to bed.  I didn't want to get up Sunday morning and go to church, but I did.  And I actually went to bed early(for me)Sunday evening.

Today I have been equally lazy.  I did cook, 'though.  No box of cookies today!  I really needed to go to a few places and get a few things done, but mostly I stayed in.  Tomorrow, on Tuesday I need to play catch up with reality.

Christmas is barely 15 days away-or 14 days where or when
 you read this.  I think I want to change the calender and add a few days so that I can get lots of stuff done.

Other than being tired and non-productive, there isn't too much going on.  I hope the next couple days are quite and peaceful.  Well, I can hope...for we live on the hope and the promises of the Lord. 

Corinthians 12: 13
That says a lot, doesn't it.  We are all creations of God and we belong to him.  If you peel away the skin we are all brothers and sisters-family-beneath our flimsy wrappings.  It matters not if you are black or white, yellow or brown, or pink all over.  We all bleed and we all shed tears. We all love, suffer, have joy, heartaches, grieve and have losses, good and bad days.  We are the same.  We are his people.  Are you one of God's people persons?  This is a time for sharing, reconciliation among men and nations that follow the Lamb of God, He who came for our salvation and His birth we are about to celebrate.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Dear Santa;

I haven't had the time to pen you my wish list the old fashioned way via the Post Office's snail mail.  Besides I couldn't get near the Post Office today so that I might send off a couple cards.  So, I am sending my Christmas Wish List directly to you through cyber mail, knowing that it will get to you in plenty of time.

I don't need much, Santa, and am not asking for much for myself, but on behalf of all those who have grater needs than I.  I have what I need, Santa.  I have a roof over my head, food for the table and a warm bed to sleep in.  While I am far from rich or affluent, there are those that have none of these basics that most of us take for granted.

And I have tried to be a good, decent person, Santa.  I am hoping that you are aware of my efforts to please others and not myself.  Naughty or nice, this is my Wish list for the end of year 2012 and a new beginning for 2013.

First and foremost on my list is:
I wish for true Peace on earth,
Good will to men.
A pretty tall order, Santa,
and I hope there is room
in your ample bag of
for these gifts.
I  wish that no child
to go to bed hungry or cold,
alone or afraid.
Can you manage that, Santa?
Or maybe your helpers
can work on that and make it so.
I wish that our government
would search and find
the ideals of the past;
the values and mores
 that made
our county great.
I wish that all who may be
sick or suffering
find health and relief
from all that grieves them
in this life,
and joy, peace and love
in the next.
Am I asking too much, Santa?
I know that you are
a rather busy fella, esp, now,
at this time of the year.
I also know that no one
is a tototaly free agent or
really, truly his own boss.
I know that you have a Boss, too.
He is bigger than all of us
and can grant all wishes
if He is asked to do so
according to His plan.
So, Dear Old Santa,
if you can not find
a place in your
big, red bag,
would you ask Him,
The really, really, Big Boss
to look over my wish list
in His own determined time
and see what He can do?
Saturday, December 8, is a major feast day, a holy day of obligation; the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.  I will be in Owensboro at the SportsCenter for the celebration of this great feast day of the Catholic Church.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pray for Peace on Earth, good will to ALL men

I have been in and out today, and not I didn't buy stuff.  I finally made it to the bank, 'though, and I did stop to eat out.  Tomorrow will be another "in and out" day, too.  And Saturday will be mostly out.  I will be leaving here around 8:45 or so, and don't really know what time I will be back.  I know that I will be tired.

Other then being out some for the next few days, there isn't much to write about.  I think everyone will be on speed dial for the next couple of weeks.

It is supposed to rain for the next couple of days, too.  Well, rain is better than snow as I will be out and about on the roads, within the city and elsewhere.  No, I won't be giving out would be bored anyway.

Time is getting away from me.  There isn't much time left before Christmas and I am far from ready.  I hope everyone else is all set.  And it is a reminder to me that four years ago I shattered my right arm when I was trying to get ready for the holiday season.  That was a "yuck" experience. Yuck.

"Society is in decay
when common sense
has become uncommon."
from C. K. Chesterton
Paul to the Corinthians
Ch. 1: vs. 6
Hmm.  That sounds like a simple greeting, doesn't it.  Yet, is it?  It is kind of like "Peace on earth, good will to men."  Should be doable, right?  Yet, we have no peace, and not a lot of good tidings for our fellow travelers.  The greeting goes largely unheard in our tumultuous world of going nowhere fast.  Can we slow down...just a bit?  Can we consider the message and offer peace and good will to our neighbors next door and far away?  This being the time to reflect on the celebration of the Immaculate Conception and the Christmas tradition, we need to think about what is the true meaning and the ever reaching effect of the first coming of Christ.  Yes, I will be on the go myself for the next few days, but it is mostly Christ centered...or I pray that it be.  There has been so many sad happenings in the year of 2012; I will be glad to see it go and pray for all that have suffered by the hand of man and the forces of nature.  Amen.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Whatever made me sick-ish yesterday is gone today.  I did hear on the news that the Flu Season is upon us and it is the earliest start for it.  I don't want it.

I did go shopping this afternoon for what little I needed.  I did find candy on sale so I got some for the residents.  I also found cereal on sale, 10 packages for ten bucks.  I only bought a few because I can't eat that much.  Potatoes are still .99cents for a 10 lb. bag, but I didn't get any of them.  I may get some next week for the Salvation Army.
I plan not to be home on Saturday.  There is a big mass at the Sports Center so I will be at that mass.  It is the celebration of the Immaculate Conception.  Anyway, "that's my plan and I'm sticking to it."

Not much else is happening so this another boring post.

I have been reading the last chapter Of the Prophecy of Isaiah(Isaias), 66: vs 19 to the end.  It is really too long to type up here so you may wish to read it on your own.  It is king of interesting to read in the context of our present culture, society and the flux of many nations...then and now.  While the prophecy of Isaiah(Isaias) is "old," it is new and appropriate for our age.  Read.
"If individuals
 have any hope
of protecting
their freedom
they must protect
their family life."
by C. K. Chesterton

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sort of not up to par.

I will not be posting much tonight.  I have been sort of sick-ish today, whatever that means.  Slightly light headed, slightly nauseated with a headache.

I put myself to bed and now feel better.  I believe in rest and lots of fluids.

As I posted a fair amt. last night you will never miss me today.

I was going to the bank, get a gal. of milk, but I guess I will do that after mass tomorrow.

And that is that for tonight.  "May the Good Lord take a liken' to you."


Monday, December 3, 2012


Someone asked the question: What is the proper way to pray?  I initially thought, Well, that's a stupid question.  But in thinking it over I can see where someone might ask that.  I don't know if there is a definitive answer for that question.  Each of us are different and the "proper" way to pray will be as unique as the individual offering up the prayers.

If I were to be asked what Prayer was or is, I guess that the best answer that I could perceive is that we are communing with God.  I don't know if prayer can be defined through words or in a literary sense.  For some prayer might be the written word in a prayer book or the digestion of "The Word" as found in the Bible, preaching or teaching from a hill top as Christ often did.  For others prayer may be the recitation of prescribed daily practices such as the prayer of the Holy Rosary.  The Catholic Church has declared the The Liturgy of The Hours as the official prayer of the church.  As we are to pray "unceasingly" the psalms and readings from the Old Testament and the New Testament are the revered prayers of the Church.  They are "as old as the hills"and were offered up in prayer from the time of Abraham and Moses...and before.

 There are different levels of prayer and communing with God.  Deep spiritual mediation is what I hope to obtain one day, along with all the other prayers of the Church. Structured prayers of and in the Church are important and will always be the center of our Church as that is where we seem to "knowingly" to have begun.  Even the celebration and adoration of the Mass is derived from the Old Testament and the readings or teachings of Jesus.  But faith and the quest for the knowledge of God seem to me, to be of equal importance.  What lights that little fire within us is God seeking us as well, for He s always within.  The more we pray the more we love.  The more we love our God, the more we pray.  We become God centered and God is centered within us.  I will call it a sacred circle for want of a better word or understanding.

I have been "accused" in the past of being too intellectual which hurt me deeply at the time as it was not meant as a compliment, but rather as a criticism.  It was far from being accurate as I have a simple mind and try to convey my thoughts in a simple, understandable missive.  Many of my readers are from Asia, Russia and Europe and I try to write so they can follow what iam posting.  I must admit 'though, sometimes even I don't understand what I have written; I just sit down and let The Spirit guide me as I seldom know what I will write about.  After I have authored my poor post I have to sit back and edit as I can't spell.  That tells the reader a lot, doesn't it?   Not to smart, but I think a lot!

My mind is always full of distractions when I pray.  I try to be content with the knowledge that everything I say or do for the glorification of God, is a prayer.  Good, bad or mediocher, it is the intent and reverence offered, that is my prayer. I have to watch myself at times, as I am sure that many people may do, because sometimes what I say or do is self-serving, for the glorification of ME...the prayer of ME... and my humanness that can and does trip me up...way too often.

I can not tell someone how to pray.  There are enough books available that try to tell us or guide us in and to prayer.  I think for many of us prayer is inclined to be a process and we learn as we go, depending on our desire to be close to and commune with God.  For some of us(esp. me) the learning curve is a bit slow and life long.  For many of the great saints prayer was a time of suffering and questing to commune with God. Prayer was also a time of joy and an thirst for more. One more thought that I would add:  We will never totally know Christ/God/the Holy Spirit, in this life.  We can strive to know Him and love Him better or to the best of our ability. 

If you, the reader can not understand any of what I have written...well, that is OK.  If you can correct me or open my eyes a little bit wider, than you can make/submit a comment.  As some of you know I now monitor the comments due to over 1.000 ads for illegal drugs coming up from Mexico...please don't do that.



The first prayer I learned
was "Now I lay me
down to sleep.."

I am partial to the Rosary
which I pray daily.

I do pray the LOTH's
but not too well.
I can't sing!

Now you know
all my secrets...
or some!