Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Mary Christmas to all

I thought about not posting today as it is Christmas.  There isn't much that I can say about the Holy Day that hasn't already been said.

I went to midnight mass last eve./morning.  My intent was to sleep late.  Don't you know I woke up anyway.

I did some cooking, eating, laying around and watching a bunch of Christmas shows.  My kind of day.

As I write this there is a blizzard warning up so I guess I will recycle this day and do it all over again tomorrow.  I did get the snow shovel out and ready.  I don't really want to shovel snow...maybe it will skip me and visit thee.

I wish everyone a blessed, Holy, Mary Christmas.  If it had not been for Mary submitting to the will of God there would not have been a "Merry Christmas."


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