Tuesday, December 11, 2012


It's cold out and it is supposed to get down into the 20's before morning.  While that isn't as cold as it has been in past years, it is cold enough for me.

I went to the library this afternoon and picked up a couple of books.  I got a couple of fantasy books for lighter reading.  You may think that is an odd choice for me, but I have always enjoyed science fiction and fantasy books.   It gets me away from the reality of the world for just a little bit.  If we were able to face the realness of this often harsh world we probably would lose all our hair and sanity, too.  That is why it is good to take a break from all that is not good or acceptable in this world we have messed up.

I think that if the human spirit were capable of dealing with all the evils of this world...there would be no wars, hunger or the sufferings that we have a tendency to incur upon one another.  We, fallible and weak, couldn't cope with the failures of, and knowledge that we are less than what God intended us to be.  So God gave us the gift for the flight fancy and imagination.  He did so, that we might escape from seeing ourselves as we are, 24/7.  He lets us dream of a utopian universe.  He sees us as we have become and thus literally save us from ourselves by giving our brains away to rest every now and then.  At the same time we are creating within our spirits and becoming co-creators with Him.  Many great advances and discoveries have evolved from fantasies.

This sort of accounts for some of free will.  He turns us lose in our id, our inner identity, so that in a sense we can recharge and take off from where we were. Batteries do run down and people do, too, and we need the element of childish wonder and amusement.  We can put our brains on "hold" for a short time and delve into a good book or a good movie, CD or TV show.  Note that I said "good."

While I was out I finally got to the Post Office and then to Wal-Mart.  I didn't really get much at Wal-Mart, but was as happy as could be, to find a place to park and discover that there were not wall-to-wall people.  I guess most of the Christmas rush is over or slowing down.
I saw some jackets on sale and I need one.  My jacket is falling apart and I have the lining taped together with white plumber's tape.  I think the next time I go to Wal-Mart I may get one.

Tomorrow, after mass, I will run over to E-town and take over some bottles of wine for the resident's happy hour.  Sister told me that Wal-Mart had inexpensive wine, but they really don't.  I know where to get some 'though, and that would be at the CVS drug store.  You know the elderly do like a little wine on Sunday, and no, the Sisters do not drink, contrary to to some stories!

So tomorrow will be another busy day for me, but at least the price of gas is now $3.10 again.

Proverbs 3: 6

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