Friday, November 25, 2011


I love the rosary.
I love praying the rosary.
It is not required.
It is not an obligation.
It is not a sacrament.
I am compelled
to pray the rosary.
It is a gift of prayer.
It is a meditation.
It gives me peace.
Therefore, to me it is
an inner sacrament.
No man, priest, Bishop
or even the Pope..
can bestow this inner
sacrament upon me.
It is an internal gift
of grace that was given
to me, a seed planted,
nourished and ever growing.
Contrary to some thinking
we do not  worship Mary.
We giver her honor
as her son Jesus Christ did,
As God did when He chose
Mary to bear His only
begotten son, as we,
God's people should...
 and can honor her, too.

The Hail Mary is an intercessory prayer.  We ask the Mother of God to pray for intercede for us, just as we would ask our mothers, fathers, sisters, friends or brothers, to pray for on this earthly plane.  The Hail Mary is enhanced by the Our Fathers that are prayed with and on the rosary.  The Hail Mary can not supplant Our Lords Prayer, but makes the our Father rise to the heavens so succinctly, thus I call it an inner sacrament that God has sown in our hearts for us to foster.

The Church may not care for my analogy or concept of an inner sacrament.  I am sure that if I am in some kind of error..I will soon find out.  And if I am...I well accept it and correct my poor understanding.  As I have said before, I am not a theologian..not by a long shot: I am a simple minded forgive me if I let a small inner voice misguide me in any way.

If you don't have a rosary, but you do have a computer or access to one, you can find and pray the rosary on line.  Just type "rosary" into your search engine and the rosary will find you.  Yes, you can actually use those ten fingers.  Many have and still do.

Yesterday was a semi-long day.  When I got home I had to take a nap.  That was a mistake because when I went to bed...umm...I couldn't sleep!  So, I just slept late this morning.  I can do that, you know!

I kept to my diet yesterday.  I had a thin sliver of Pumpkin Pie and no sugary drinks.  As I expected, there were wall to wall people and very crowded.  Anytime I moved, someone grabbed my chair!  It was a good day and a banquet well shared.  No, I didn't bring leftovers home with me as some did.  I just don't need the temptation of all those calories.

Today I have just been doing the few dishes that were left from yesterday and doing some general picking up around the house.  I hope one and all had a good day yesterday, today and into all the tomorrows.



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