Wednesday, February 22, 2012

If you think your poor....

Ash Wednesday is over.  I got smudged.  Church was packed.  All of us sinners were there!  I heard it was packed for the 7 A. M. mass, as well.  Now it is forty days and forty nights...

I am a little tired so I guess I will got to bed early...well, early for me, anyway.

There was a little hale in parts of KY.  I did not really feel the earthquake.  It was like a little bump in the night.  I thought I heard thunder, and then the bump.  I turned over and went back to sleep. I guess the quake was felt in 13 states.  I am something of a pragmatist: if God's gonna get me, God's gonna get me.

A friend just came back from a mission trip to Jamaica where she and 11 others spent a week building chicken coups and supplying baby chickens.  They also went to a nursing home where they take in throw away elderly people.  It is a home in desperate need of anything and everything.  Jamaica is an extremely poor country.  Our poor are rich in comparison.  We are a nation of complainers for the most part.  We do have our poor, but seldom do we throw away the sick, infirm and the old.  Makes  you think.



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