Monday, May 2, 2011


Yes, my house is a swampland Ecosystem of wet carpet, black mold and some white lacy mold for decoration.  I went to Low's and bought a wet/dry vacuum and have been sucking up juicy juice, made by Mother Nature and not by Minute Maid.  The couch is soaking wet, as is the carpet and chair.   But..but, I finally have someone coming to repair the roof, tear out the ceiling and the rain ruined insulation and replace the walls that have buckled.  With that said, I think I need to take up a collection.  What, no givers?  Hmmm, that's what I expected.  I guess its time to roll that jar of pennies that I was saving for my old age.  Oh, I forgot, this is my old age.

I tried to rent a wet/dry vacuum, but none of the rental stores have any to rent out...they are all in use by others.  I didn't want to have to buy one, but in the long run it is cheaper and I get to keep it.  It was $31.00 plus and taxes.  Now I have three vacuums and I am "vacuum poor."  One thing I will add is this: that little "sucker" is very powerful and pulls the carpet right up from the floor.

By the way, the man that is going to do the repairs is an older man, a handy man, and has a helper who looks like death on a stick.  Sad looking fellow with no teeth and really not so old, but looks REALLY old.

I didn't get my pictures done because I haven't been where I can get a new disk for the camera, but I will get it done...sometime.  I stopped at the Good Will Store and found some brand new high quality looking joggers for $3.00.  I don't really know if they are or not, but they look pretty good.

It's a good thing I have plenty of food in the pantry and in the freezer because it looks like I will have to depend on what I have in store for some time.  I busted the piggy bank and then some.

I did want something good to eat so I baked a Lemon-Chocolate Swirl Cake.  I didn't make frosting for it because I don't have any eggs-egg whites(on my short list).  I poured honey all over it and it was so good!  Honey and lemon go together!

It is cold.  It is going down into the forties tonight and I can't turn the heat up because of all the "wet" in the house.  It has an electric blower and the cord runs into a socket where all the rain ran down the wall.  So it is sweater weather.  And it has rained most of the night and all day.  We will probably have a June "bake off." However, for now, "Rain Keeps Pouring On My Head."

hickory dickory dock
the rain just doesn't stop
down the walls
like Niagara Falls
hickory should be shot
by Dock...and I'll help.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Mabel!!

You seem to have managed to keep a sense of humor in all these trials. God bless you richly, you deserve it!!

After hearing about all your trials I won't complain about the rain we have been having any more,,,,,, well not much anyway, LOL.

Sure wish I could be there to help you!! I know you have your hands full.

Keeping you in my prayers and thoughts.
Love bunches, Alice