Wednesday, May 4, 2011


My crowning achievement for the day was that I got up at 6 AM so that I would be dressed and awake for the arrival of the handy man and his death on a stick helper. know the story.  No show until 11:30 when Handy Man came and told me he wasn't able to cash the one check I gave him and would I please go and cash it, which I did.  I had no trouble cashing that paltry amt. of $300.00.  I don't know why he couldn't get it cashed. No work done today.

I managed to pull the couch out a little and use the "suckumup" vacuum behind said couch.  Things slid a little easier on wet carpet..Ah Ha!

I got the trash out and have been cleaning my Bessel vacuum cleaner.  I have mentioned this before; it comes apart so that you can wash out the tank, the foam filter and the paper filter.  It does take a couple of days for the paper filter to dry out.  The cleaner you can keep your appliances, the longer they last and clean the house for you.  While I was at it I cleaned out the trash bin.  No dirt or crud there.  Now, I need to empty out the "suckumup" and clean the filter on that, too.  Washed two loads of cloths, also.  I think those new super duper vitamins are having a bad effect on my "gitty up go" glands, because I am just puttering away and getting things done.

Speaking of vacuum cleaners reminds me that my mother  had a very good GE tank vacuum cleaner with a cloth bag.  A cloth bag is supposed to be emptied and then put back into the vacuum cleaner.  One day my sister Betty Jean...yes, Patsy, your mother...was cleaning the living room(which she probably didn't want to do)ran the vacuum cleaner without the bag inside.  It never ran more...LOL's, except it wasn't too funny at the time.

Since I had to go to the bank I tried to go to the library, as well.  I couldn't get near it.  It being a sunny day, everyone had the same idea.  I need books!  Though it was sunny, it was and is, cold and windy.  The temperature is in the low 50's now and is to drop into the upper 30's overnight.  At least it isn't raining.  We have had over 28 inches of rain thus far-15 inches of it above normal and more to come in a day or two.

Gas has hit the $4.00 mark and higher.  I need gas for the mower.  Do I dare spend money for gas?  I guess I will have to, Thank You, Mr. Obama.

As I am tired, I guess I will go to bed soon...early.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Greetings Mabel!!

Wow I wish I had half your energy most days, LOL. I did do a thurough spring cleaning on kitchen and bath yesterday though. Still have not gotten yard work, especially garden work caught up and we are expecting rain again today. :-(

I need to run to the grocery store for a few things but do not want to leave the house until Frank is up. My oldest cat Missy is failing and could pass any time. I don't want to leave her unattended so will wait. If he is not up by 10am I will wake him.

I plan on making some salads today and we will eat light the rest of the weak.

After the salads are made I really need to run the vaccum. Rusty is shedding his winter coat. Even though I try to pick out the loose stuff outside he still loses a lot in the house. The birds love his downy fur for their nests and have gotten to the point they will come right up and grab it while I am still picking it out of him. Rusty does not seem to mind, LOL.

Hope you have a blessed day and that handyman gets on the stick and gets busy.

Love ya, Alice