God has shown me how to find
joys of the heart and peace of mind;
He has taught me how to grow
Loves of life, I pray to know.
Take a seed he said to me,
(of each joy you want to be)
And embody it to grow
(With the loves you pray to know)
Then, endear it with your care,
'Till I make it's vines to bear,
And divide its fruitful ends
with your neighbors and your friends.
by Micheal Dubina
I got up early, trying to beat the heat, and getting a little outside work done. You just can't beat the heat and humidity in the Ohio River Valley. I got a small amount done, but I was done in fairly quickly. I came in and rested often. I drank a lot of liquid. Still, I could feel my B/P struggling. By 9:30 I called it quits for most of the day. I will go back out in the cool of the evening and play hostess to the mosquitoes.
I took a tepid shower right after I came in, trying to cool that Biccum(dare I say ) hot blood. Mine was hot because I was hot. It was already 73 degrees at 6:30 A. M. and and rose from there.
I have to go to the Pharmacy and pick up my other eye gtts. I really don't want to go out, but I must. Once I get my regular eye gtts., I will have spent just about $200.00 for medicine in just a week. I also need B/P meds., but at least those are cheaper and I can handle that without too much grousing and fussing. Those people that think that the elderly are getting rich on "entitlements" are in for a "rich" surprise when they retire.
I put old coffee grounds on my pepper plants. I hope it doesn't keep them awake at night, and upon looking out the back door..they are not dancing a Green Pepper Irish jig. I only planted three so they are a partner short.
Yesterday I made a pitcher of sun tea..or I should say , the sun made it for me. I also made a potato salad. I had been buying some salads from the Deli, but I can make it better. I don't like chewy potatoes or chewy macaroni salad. I can make both better and cheaper...and potatoes are getting soft and need to be used up.
I went back out into the yard as the sun went down, but I kept getting drilled by Moss-skeet-toes. I felt like a Louisiana drilling rig, so I came back inside. There is less heat, but plenty of humidity and those nasty little vampire bugs that live only for your blood.
I am posting early, going to bed early and getting up early. So there.
1 comment:
Greetings Mabel!!
I am on my summer schedule as I too can not take the heat and humidity. I am out very early in the morning to do any yard or garden work then back in to the a/c. I am getting it done little by little but the humidity is enough to choke an elephant, LOL.
I usually go back out just before dark and try to get a little more done. But I do like to reap the fruits of my labor and that makes it worth while.
We did not get the rain predicted yesterday. Only a little bit, but that was enough to give my plants a drink and raise the humidity even more. Tonight I hope to get my trellis in place that I will grow pickling cucs on and also the poles I am rigging up for my pole beans. Then tomorrow I will work on more.
Have a good day and try to stay cool.
Love, Alice
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