Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Holy Week for the weak...that' me

I'm pretty tired.  I have worked hard in the heat and humidity.  When I am tired I seem to irk people and my lesser self emerges.  It's hard to be a perfect person and I have never been one.  Being perfect is not in my DNA, genetic makeup or profile.  If you love me...you have to love my faults, too.  That's why God made mothers...to love us as we are.

As I have said before, I have a special devotion for and to the Blessed Mother...Mother of Christ.  I have spent this Lent doing extra devotions to her in the name of her Son.  It may sound like I am bragging:  I am not.  I will be glad when Lent is over because it takes a lot of time and discipline to do these extra prayers each day.  I truly admire those that can do ceaseless praying day after day, year after year.

The rosary is an intercessory prayer.  We ask the Mother of Christ to intercede for us in all that we do, seek and pray for, in His name.  The rosary does not replace the Our Father or diminish it in any way, but incorporates it into the recitation.  The Our Father is a powerful,  prayerful tribute taught by Christ Himself.  It is a "stand alone"exhortation for all of us to depend on and enrich our souls or spirits with daily.

OK.  Some readers may think of me as trying to be "too religious."  Well, just to make you feel better, I fail often and usually on a daily bases.  I am aware of this.  I know that God takes me as I am, expecting me to pick myself up, try to dust the imperfections off and a start again.   Funny thing about imperfections, they seem to cling like glue...flour...nettles and burdock. If you..or any reader...are perfect...and have nothing sticking to you, let me know.

We are an imperfect piece of handiwork, for being made in God's image.  We tend to accept that as a given, but we can do, and are expected to, do better.  Part of Lent is time reflecting on our weaknesses in the glare of God's perfection and making amends for our faults and sins.  We generally have the gift of reason to work with, in striving to honor the gift of life and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  I wish that I could say that I do a more acceptable job of it.

As this is Holy Week, you can expect me to spout off a lot or often.  Sorry about that: that just the way it is.  And each day as I fail in any little...or big thing, I will have to say, "back to the drawing board."  Erase and re-do.


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