Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Time moves on without me...darn!

I've been out most of the day.  First for lunch with a friend and then we went shopping.  We both bought a lot of things for the residents at the home.  Now I just need to start wrapping what I have...my lest favorite thing to do.  I think we have agreed to have the "Christmas Party" after Epiphany  or about Jan. the 12th, after Christmas. My friend needs some time to catch her breath and wind down and I need to...um...wind up?  I need to buy a box of ambition, sprinkle it with imagination and wrap it all up in good intentions and holiday flare.  In other words I need to get my self motivated.

My shopping isn't done yet.  I hope to find some sales on little things at the Dollar Tree.  Thus far, what I have is lots of goodies, some scented soap and odds and ends.  Of course, there will be a few "gag gifts" that are just for fun, and probably a few games.  If I take photos I will post them later.

You may think that I have until Christmas and Epiphany, to get things done, but the time from... here to then, will pass rather quickly.  There is only about 3 1/2 weeks until Christmas after Sunday.  I am not as young as I used to be and I am more deliberate and whole lot slower.  Time is a concept and I often have no concept of time!  Time moves on without me!

I was really tired after I got home.  I was trying to pray the Rosary and I kept falling asleep.  It's a good thing no one was around to hear me or they would have thought I was semi-lucid or half-way...four sheets to the wind.  I finally did get the Rosary completed, but it took me an hour and I had to back-track several times.  It was "now where was I?"  I persisted.

Sirach 29: 10
You can't take it with you so you might as well do some good with what you have, but could fare without.  The verse goes on to say that we should store up our alms giving(charitable giving)in our treasure house and it will save us from all evil.  Not everyone can give or live in the grace of charity, esp. these days, but most of us can engage in the act of charity.  Remember the widow's mite?  She gave what she had.  A good deed or service to someone is also valuable in the eyes of the Lord.  Go ahead, do something nice.  It won't hurt a bit.

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