Monday, October 5, 2009

Computer Woes

My little pharmacy; the mainstays are Vitamins for Seniors, Cloves Turmeric, and Vitamin E. These are just the basics. I forgot to add the vitamin C Calcium and vitamin D. And it isn't a good shot, either.
I went to the Orthopedic Doctor today and he said that he could "knock" that overgrowth/formation out of my elbow and give me a joint replacement. I have had enough surgery. I want no more. As long as I can feed myself I am a happy person..I will live with it.
I am having a lot of trouble with my computer. Internet Explorer keeps shutting down to protect my files. I work around it with difficulty. No doubt I have downloaded a virus, worm or Trojan. It has also affected my Norton Antivirus. I went to Wal-Mart and got a new one as Norton was going to run out in 89 days. I have installed it, but I don't know how to fix the Explorer Windows. I have tried everything I know, but nothing works. I hate to have to take it to a tech. guy and spend the money.
The night are cooler which means that I have to get into the garden before a frost. There are some little, second growth cabbages I want to harvest. They are not much bigger than a baseball, but they are good and make good Cole slaw.
As I said on Saturday I have more Doctor appointments coming up. Tomorrow I go to get my glaucoma pressure checked and have the field vison test done. I know I have a dental appointment pending, also.
Because I am having problems with this computer and it is doing wacky things , I will stop here

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