Thursday, October 1, 2009

Plants to plant

This has been a kind of gray day; not overcast or cloudy, but just a gray day and cool. I don't mind. It is better than what I feel that is coming around that northern bend in the road. I am really not fond of "The Ice Man Cometh" kind of season. I like spring and fall just fine and wish it would be like this all year long.

I went to Lowe's and bought two blueberry bushes/plants. They look really healthy. My mother used to pick wild blueberries "up on the mountain" and pick Elderberries in the swampy land in Montague, NJ and along the railroad tracks in Port Jervis, NY. She made wonderful Elderberry Pie. I guess if you were to try to harvest Elderberries along the tracks these days you might get in trouble for trespassing. Life and the world has changed since I was a kid.

The plants are still in the back of the van; I can't lift them, let alone plant them. I guess Chuck will plant them for me. There were apple trees and peach trees on sale, too. My Golden Delicious tree was taken down by a storm one year and my Peach tree was attacked buy a bark biting weed whacker in the careless hands of a yard man in years past.

I stopped at the Golden Corral on the way home, but I stayed within the perimeters of my little diet. I didn't go to the dessert bar, I was good...LOL! For supper I will have some soup and a salad. I got new batteries for my wt. scales so... we shall see. Mostly I just want to "eat healthy."


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