Saturday, October 31, 2009


I went out for a short time this afternoon. I should have taken my camera. There was one house that was super-decorated for Halloween. However, the batteries are very low and need to be recharged

Halloween is an ancient Celt tradition/practice. The Church has tried to avert the practice by naming this day as Holy Eve. or Evening and the next day as All Souls Day. Anyway, the Church was not very successful in eradicating the devils and demons from the minds of man steeped in ancient memories.

We really have not progressed very far up the ladder of civilization and easily revert back to our lesser qualities...trying to scare people and demanding tummy yummies. We are base, vampiring creatures and characters.

I started to read a paperback last night, but lost interest in it right away. It is a fantasy, but too fantastical for me. I will try to get into it tonight, but prefer a fantasy with some reality in it. I did finish one good book entitled THE TREASURE OF ST. WOODY by I. J. Farnham. I think
it would be a good, lite-hearted movie.

i moped the kitchen floor today using my one dollar mop. It did OK, but I thought the floor would never dry. It is a cheap mop from the Dollar Store, but it is lite weight and easier for me to handle. For $1.00 I can't complain, but next time I will use a small fan to make it dry faster.

Anyway, I have run out of ammunition and will shut my little gun down for the eve.


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