Saturday, October 17, 2009

I dragged out my "go bag" to check the contents, sort of an inventory. I noticed that there were some things that were lacking. I have no small pots or or pans; not even a cup. You can't make coffee without a pot and it is hard to drink without a cup. I have raided the bag on occasion so most of my snacks are gone and need to be replaced. So it is time to replace some items, go out and find some as well.You will note that there is coffee, but no sugar or creamer. A couple of items to add, for sure.

I do have clean socks, underwear, and a set of sweats to wear in the bag. I need to add a few more clothing items to the bag, such as regular cloths.

When I first made a "go bag" it was in 1977 and we had a blizzard come in from the northwest. When I went to work that day the temperature was in the 70's. The storm came roaring in and it dropped 50 degrees in about two hours. There were 19 employees stuck at work and we couldn't get out. That is when I packed a bag for any future weather surprises. I called it a "go bag" way back then; now it seems to be be a popular expression among some bloggers. I keep another bag in the van with similar items as found in the larger bag.

I did get to the library and get some more books. Now I can read a little when I am bored with TV and that is becoming more often. I picked up some more odds and ends at the grocery store and headed home. I noted that gas has shot up to $2.59. I was going to stop at the Goodwill store, but it was packed so I kept on going.

Tonight I think I will soak some beans overnight and make some bean soup in the crock pot tomorrow. I love bean soup.

I tried to delete the smaller picture, but I didn't know how to get rid of it. You can make them larger if you want to and see what is missing.


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