I had to go and get my licence renewed yesterday as I forgot to do it and I was 14 days over due. So, I got myself to the city building to comply with the the rules and get my privilege to make other drivers shiver and quiver and cuss me out as they think I am over cautious-slow.
Anyway, I had to pass through the gizmo arch to make sure I wasn't an elderly terrorist. My shoulder bag, full of keys, folding tools like the Swiss Army Knife and other metallic junk, passed through the X-Ray machine with nary a sound. As I walked through the security gate/arch the alarm sounded as I knew it would.
I explained about all the hardware in my arm. The security staff, laid back, retired, and semi retired peace keepers of our local domain, were very nice. They didn't even ask me to remove my arm so they could examine it and make sure that I wasn't a danger to myself or them. Yup, no questions asked-they let me keep all my plates, pins and screws right were they were implanted.
While I make a joke of this and I appreciate the no hassle-no problem, lackadaisical attitude of the security staff where I could just walk right on in, it makes me aware of how easy it would be for bad boys to do their deeds in smaller cities and government buildings.
So...I think they should get a nice, little barky dog for added/enhanced security. Dogs are intuitive-have that paranormal sense of impending -"up to no good"- kind of awareness. Now cats, while very intelligent and cagey, just won't "bark" unless you rub their fur the wrong way in a dark closet. Even then, they will not bark, but they will let you know that THEIR world just isn't safe. So don't get in it.
I went to the Doctor to get my Medicare papers updated or corrected. Corrected should be the byword because it was all done in October. Even the Doctor was confused and his staff said this is just the "tip of the iceberg."
We had a heat wave: the temperature made it up to 51 degrees today. I actually got too warm and had to come out of my sweater. Winter is far from over and it is supposed to get a little cooler tomorrow and rain. Rain will take away the rest of the snow.
You can never have too much information and I just ran out of anything of interest.