I don't have much to write about so I have been surfing the news. I found an article of a bull attack in upstate N.Y. between Howard and Canesteo. A guy was chasing cows in for milking and a bull attacked him. They have a tendency to do that, you know. Anyway, the guy wound up in Strong Memorial Hospital, banged up and with a broken femur. Lucky , I say.
What was interesting was he and another man were milking over 400 dairy cows. I didn't know there was room for a 400+ dairy farm in that area because it is all hills, vally's, swales, and poor farm land.
When I was very small I can barely remember the bull getting out in the dark of night and my father going after it in an old car with running boards. The name of that bull was "Wicker's son"(Wickerson) and he had a matching reputation. When I was around 11 or 12 another bull on the farm went "crazy," putting his head under the fence and pulling up the fence line. That bull was put down and it's head sent away for testing. It turned out that the bull had been eating local "loco" weed that was growing in its pasture.
So, I have always been afraid of bulls. They are not friendly bovines as that fellow found out when he was being crushed against a steel gate. He was lucky. The other fellow got behind the gate and pulled him up to safety. Both men are Mexicans and don't speak English. Apparently the farming operation employees other Mexicans. The moral of the story is that they are probably doing very hard labor and not getting rich at it. But I suppose in that area-any job is a good job, as it is a depressed area and always has been, It is beautiful country, but poor country.
Well, I don't know much, but I thought this might be of interest to family members and anyone else that may wander through.
I still can't figure how they got a dairy farm that large into that general location.
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После вселенской катастрофы Америка превратилась в мертвую пустыню. По бескрайним дорогам, кишащим бандами, воюющими между собой за воду и еду, странствует мудрый Илай. Однажды он попадает в мрачные земли, где когда-то находился прекрасный штат Калифорния, а теперь это сущий ад, где бесчинствует тиран Карнеги.
смотреть онлайн фильм книга илая
Ну что вы тут раскричались? Пора успокоится и советую скачать Алису в стране чудес. Думаю просмотр успокоит немного нервишки;)
Эх.. ну нельзя нам, россиянам давать отдыхать больше трёх дней! Я сегодня на работу забыл выйти)))) надо срочно что-то придумывать, иначе завтра отхвачу по полной.
ЗЫ Эх, надо во фрилансеры подаваться, уже давным-давно.. ну уволят, так будет повод)))))
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