Saturday, January 2, 2010

Too cold

I really can't think of much to post this eve. I seem to be still tired from my little fling with the flu and I want to sleep. I did stay up all day and it is now 10:20 P. M. I didn't do much today, either.

It is cold: it is supposed to be down in the single didgets overnight, about 15 degrees below normal. I turned on the electric heater in the bathroom for several hours to keep the chill down.

Years ago a resident of the nursing home told me that when her bath water was too hot or too cold she had pain in her artificial metal knee joints. Now I know just what she meant. I theorize the the two plates, pins and screw in my arm are contracting or expanding with the changing climate conditions as the weather shifts form day to day. That's why I call my right arm/elbow my "weather arm." It seems subject to the whims and vagaries of Mother Nature.
My left hand is now trained to act as a brace to my arm/elbow so that is it doesn't "dangle" loosely through the night, holding it in a "loving embrace."

I did finish off a good book about Kentucky. It was a collection of satiric short stories about south western Kentuckians covering an era from 1920 to 1950. Anyone of the short stories would have made a pretty good little movie in the Hallmark genre. The title is "Zions Cause" by Jim Peyton. I picked it up from the library for a dime as it was withdraw and on the sale table. Pretty good entertainment for $1o cents.

I have not been too ambitious these past few days and I don't care. I did get the dishes done and that is about 25% of the chores that need to be done. Well, I' catch up by springtime...I hope. Maybe tomorrow, even 'though it's Sunday, I'll show show more signs of gitty-up-go.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amateure Sex

fette titten
