The problem is I don't speak THE KING'S ENGLISH or English. I speak American. The American language is a compilation of German, Latin, Spanish, French, English, and whatever else gets cooked up in the hash. Thus, I speak "American."
I have a tendency to spell words as I hear them, or mis-hear the word. That doesn't always work out as there are so many words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and even have different meanings. I have had to "teach" or correct myself many times. I am not above criticism or corrections because I want to learn or re-learn.
There are common words such as plain and plane, there and their, where and ware, war and wore, blue and blew. The list of common sounding words goes on and on. See my dilemma?
Most of them I remember, but the spellchecker doesn't catch all the nuances, meanings or subtleties. The spellchecker may say a word is spelled right, but it may well be wrong in the grammatical sense or usage.
Thus, a problem for the next great American novel..which isn't me. I try to edit my efforts by dong the spellchecker thing and then/than re-reading the script several times. I made a mnemonics for then and than. Then is when-Than is other. It works for me. I still recite.."i before e except after c." Guess what..there are exceptions to that rule, too.
Well, I may not be the next Steinbeck, Stephen King or even Poe, but I give it my effort. Feel free to correct me...I won't mind. Life is a LivingLesson.
I used write poetry, some good, some OK, some awful. Here is a poem to torment you.
A grain of sand
within my shoean irritant
shake it out
carry on
a grain of sand
not a pebble
not a stone
shake it out
move on
There is a difference between prose and poetry, structure and puncuation. Poetry is forgiving: Maybe I sould write more poerty.
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