Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The bread I made didn't turn out looking this good. It is edible, but not as pretty. I can't find my recipe book for making bread in a bread maker. It is a small booklet. One of these days I'll run across it. In the meantime I ad libbed a recipe. Not awful, but I have done better, but with peanut butter and jelly it will fare well in the tummy.
The temperature was 39 , but the wind chill factor was 9 degrees because of the wind. I stayed in. Tomorrow it is supposed be around 40 than get cold, rain, then turn to snow. I may go out before it all goes downhill. I need to take books back to the library.
I found a bunch of old seeds while I was looking for my bread book. They are mostly flower seed and old. I may try them in the front yard in the spring. They are of different varieties. Maybe I will mix them up and see what grows.
I wish I had something new and exciting to post. It's just that I stay close to home when the wind blows. Have a slice of bread!!

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