Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Blowing Snow?

Maybe, just maybe, I will have some photos of snow tomorrow as the forecast is for a couple of inches of ivory soap stuff. We shall see.

I went to Wal Mart this afternoon and wished I had stayed home. People begin to get hyper with the barest mention of snow. The store was packed. Giant cart loads of food and supplies were being hustled along by patrons who probably were remembering last years ice storm. No one was expecting what came slip-sliding down out of the northern hinterlands on the. Winter Express.

This year everyone-well, not everyone, is taking the weather predictions a wee bit more seriously. As they should. What was funny was some of the stuff people were "stocking" up on. Are 24 packs of soda pop a necessity for survival? Well, perhaps in some circles, like in a house full of rambunctious kids.

Didn't the Government advise that everyone have a least 3 days of food and water on hand? Don't you know when things get tough the Federal Government is going to "Bunker Down" and unable to rise to the occasion? The Democrats are already in their "Bunker Down Phase" 'cause they know what coming-wholesale disenfranchisement for their party. Hey, did you notice that Democrats ends with "rat" and the rats are jumping ship? Rats are always the first to jump off when the ship flounders and goes down. Smart rats.

Back to the point. Not everyone, for one reason or another, is able to stock up and "weather" the coming storms that will beset the economy. I wish all could and those that can, would listen and be prepared. There is a bumpy, rutty road ahead and I hope your springs are good and your tires better 'cause the way is long and winding.

My ambition kicked in a little bit, from first gear into second gear. Maybe I can even shift into third and get some more little jobbies done. I did get several loads of cloths done. The one thing I didn't get done was to cover an opening(ventilation) in the foundation under the bath room. If we don't get too much snow I will try to get that done on Thursday and wrap the outside hydrant. All thing in good time...or as I can do them.

I think I posted that the old Nash is in the shop, getting new brakes all around. If I am repeating myself...remember my brain is old, too, like the Nash. It is 50 years old and counting.



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