Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blowing in the Wind

The third snow. The thing about this snow is the wind. It is gusting from 20 to 30 miles per hour. When the gusting occurs there is an instant whiteout. If your outside you get stinging snow right in the face. The wind is coming from the northwest and it is a cold wind. The temperature has already dropped to 19 degrees and it is only late afternoon. The wind chill is a big fat 0..zero. It is going to be a miserable night for many, esp. for the poor or those in sub-standard dwellings. My house is no palace, but I am warm and dry. I don't have everything I want, but I have what I need-short of ambition, that is. I just don't know where THAT went or where to look for it.
Today I had a "rice sandwich." Oh what? You never had a rice sandwich? Just take two slices of bread, butter it, add cooked rice and chomp away. I have always liked rice anyway it can be presented. I guess I'll never get invited to appear on any of the food shows, but that's OK, I'm happy. I did add a little cottage cheese on the side for "balance." Hee Hee. I was going to have steak and eggs for supper, but it was easier to reach and pull out a bag of breaded shrimp, so that is what I will have instead.
Chicago is getting lots of snow, but they seem to know how to deal with it better than most. There is another snow storm headed this way and the snow that we got last night isn't melting this time. It is just blowing in the wind. I didn't shovel because of the wind...too cold. I did clean off the steps and got snow needles in the face. So, I was not out very long.
Al Gore has become a rich fellow on the premise of global warming. There are other-real scientist-experts, that say we are entering a "Little Ice Age." I'll buy that. This has been an unusual season, as was last year. The weather is dependant on sun spots and there have been very few on our side of Solar Sid. Give me more sun spots!! But not too many as I don't want to be fried to crispy or well done. That's for shrimp, chicken, or tatters and onion rings-not me!

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