Monday, February 22, 2010


Good enough for seconds. The photo doesn't do it justice. I need to use things up from the freezer and I got out a large bag of chicken strips that were meant for stir fry. Ah, what to make...

One box of packaged dressing
1 bag of noodles
1 can of gravy
1 onion.
layer the bottom of the dish with dressing
layer of noodles.
Layer of chicken strips
1 can of gravy

Cover all layers with the gravy and top it off with a last layer of dressing with onions.

Bake in oven until done.

The chicken strips were already fully cooked and I also cooked the dressing, so it didn't take long to bake. If you use uncooked chicken, be sure the meat cooks through.

I will make this again, but next time I will add a layer of drained, canned vegetables or frozen vegetables. The dish I cooked is/was really flavorful, but probably a little too much starch as I am trying to watch my weight(Yeah...Like Right...HeeHee).

This is the third day that I have brought canned goods in from the van and more to bring in. I can't carry it all at once because of my funky arm, but I'm getting the job done. I'll bet my gas mileage will be a lot better. I even have a decorative brick in the van...that's gotta go.

Yesterday we got up to 61 degrees. Gone With The Wind and not with Rhett Butler. It is bitter today and will be for several days, but the signs are there.
