Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mother Earth News

The Mother Earth Magizine is on of my very favorite subscriptions and I await the magizines arrival every other month. In the 70's I gave my whole collection to my brother. His wife tossed them out when when he passed away. I wish she not, but what is done is done. The reason that I mention the Mother Earth magazine at all, is because there was a really good article on how to create an outside storage/cold room by using sand bags. It walked the reader through all the steps and the necessary materials needed to create the structure. I can't remember which issue the article appeared in, but I will find it. The nice thing is that you can find The Mother Earth magazine online and search for it.

This has been a fairly decent day. The temperature got up to 38 and much of the snow has fled the scene, like an errant snow gnome hanging out in hiding, waiting for the next event. It seems like these events happen each and every week-end. This week-end is predicted to be freezing rain/snow. Maybe it will miss and head north.

Tomorrow I may try to clean out my van a bit. It is full all kinds of stuff and I want to lighten the load. Gas is going up as I expected and if I lighten the van up I will save a small amount on gas.


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