There is not much to write about unless you love hearing about more snow. I know I am tired of it...looking at it...posting about with it. Mother Nature...pack it up and get out of town.
I did get two loads of cloths washed and dried, but not all put away yet. That was the extent of my hard days work, so I am not suffering from overwork.
The Mayor of Evansville, Indiana totaled out his car on black ice this morning. He OK, but his car is history. That is why I stay in rather than going out. Snow is manageable, black ice is not.
Everyone is spending big money on Valentine's Day. It is actually St. Valentine's day or used to be before merchants and commerce discovered another source of sales and money making goodies. The next thing you know someone will declare St. Obama Day or Obama day and figure out a way to cash in, in some way. Um....oh, they have already done that? OK, how about St. Biden's day or Chaney Day? Or even Bushy Day? No? OK. Selling sacred medals bearing anyone of their images would help defray the national debt...wouldn't it....maybe?
Well, enough silliness on my part. I will stop.
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