If I can dumb you down, just think how much wool our powerful government can slip over your eyes. I am not the smartest knife in the rack or a politically astute blogger, but imagine what a huge government body can and is doing to it's citizenry as we sleep walk through campaigns and elections...with eyes wide open, but unseeing.
If you drive a car at night with faulty headlights or bad brakes, sooner or latter you will hit something. You really can't depend on the full moon to guide you on your way..it may be cloudy, raining or you could be getting a "snow job." We need a maintenance schedule for our go-mobiles and we need a maintenance program for our government. As Jefferson said, "We need to have a revolution every 20 years." While I do not advocate revolution, I do encourage a good "house cleaning" and term limits. Government offices should not be careers, but services.
I started this blog around lunch time and am about to finish it up. What events have changed and shaped the world as we know it? Here are some of my views; do you..can you add to to the list?
- Te discovery and use of fire.
- The invention and use of the wheel
- Mathematics and its use in civilization
- The Egyptian civilization and Empire
- The founding of the Greek civilization
- The fall of the Greek-Roman-Egyptian Empires
- The Dark Ages
- The Plague
- The industrial Age
- The founding of America/Constitution
- The development and use of the Atomic Bomb
- The Electronic/computer age
I didn't include the numerous wars because there have been wars and chaos since the cave man picked up a big stick and called it a club. Two historical leaps foreword in the annals of time were the Code of Hammurabi which codified law and order in Europe and much of the Eastern continent. The second great leap forward was when Moses went up to the mountain and brought down the 10 Commandments which drafted the conduct and treatment of the Jew and then Christians. Too bad he had a temper tantrum and smashed them.
These are my views and may not be in chronicle order , but it has a been a long time since I was in school. Can you add to the list?
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