Saturday, February 20, 2010


I have a good start on my garden seeds. Besides these packets I have seeds in envelopes that I saved from last year. I have leftover sweet potatoes that I hope to start soon. Last year the sweet potatoes did very well. I may try regular potatoes again, but I have had a problem with Bermuda Grass spearing roots right through the tubers. The roots are like biting down on a glass shard, if you are unaware of them. And they hurt.
I hope to get an early start on my garden and will probably get my seeds in pots and small tin cans by the first of March. There is nothing better than fresh vegetables from the garden.
What a day...what a day...what a day. My kind of weather. It got up in the 50's today. My internal thermostat broke and I had to abandon my sweater. I was running in and out in the sunshine and loving it. It won't last long, but it's nice to see a clear sky for a change.
The days are getting longer. You can tell that spring time is just teasing us before it really arrives.I have had spring fever for a while now and am ready for some seasonal doctoring...yes!
What is a REDNECK? My neighbors next door have piled up a truck load of trash and garbage in their outbuilding. There isn't any door on the building and feral cats are in and out all the time. Yesterday and today I saw Grackles(birds) in and out and, eating the garbage. When these same people moved out from a trailer park...they had to go in with a dump truck and haul off the trash. I guess they have not and will not change . They have a rubbish pile up against my fence that has damaged the chain link fencing. I have asked them to remove the pile, but get nowhere. I guess I will have to call the city on them, which I hate to do. Maybe I shouldn't call them rednecks; maybe they are just plain lazy trash. Harsh words, coming from me, but the city picks up trash weekly and all they have to do is walk it out to the alley. Life..?

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