Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ship in dark waters

I have read so much my eyes are popping out. Give me a good book and I am a contented soul. I guess I got my love for reading from my mother as she liked to read as well. Reading is a good diversion in the dark chill of winter. A nice diversion from reality.

On today's news they were giving Al Gore, the weatherman, a thumb in his eye...that must hurt. Now they are saying the global warming tax is all but dead...dead, I say. Good, says I. We have more than enough taxes and carbon credits to weigh us down. Tax Congress, the Senate and the stooges of the run a muck government.

When I was working I didn't get paid if I couldn't get to work if the snow was two deep or the roads were a glaze of ice or frozen over. The working stiff either gets to work or has a skimpy pay check. You can bet your snowshoes or boots that your government servants get a paycheck in spite of the weather, and all the nice fringe benefits that are part of looting the treasury. Oh, maybe not the little guy on the lower rungs of the governmental ladders, but the higher up the tree, the better the fruit.

Your "employed Civil Servants" should be going after waste, corruption and inefficiency, instead of trying to tax every breath you take...and we all know that breathing emits carbon dioxide...which is a it or stop think the Idgits at the helm of this sinking ship. Hey, Captain Courageous Obama, your steering the wrong way. Your heading into the gale! OOPS! All hands over the side! Abandon sanity! Oh, I mean ship...I think.

You know that once the great Bison roamed this land by the millions...emitting toxic carbons and farting methane gases... and the green grass grew. Now they are few because a few frontiersmen came along, killed them all off to the very verge of extinction. Maybe we should all slaughter ourselves, save the planet and become extinct altogether. Hmmm. Nah. I like being toxic!!


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