Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Another boring post

I finally...finally got a much needed hair cut today. I've been putting it off so long I am starting to look like a shaggy mutt.

I didn't get much done today. I need to get bread and milk, but put it off for tomorrow.

I stopped a junk store/flea market and found an old cast iron dutch oven with the lid. I have priced them new at $50.00. This one cost me $20.00 plus tax. I know I probably should have saved my money, but I have looked for one for a long time. As soon as I get it cleaned up and looking good I will post a photo of it. It is still in the van for now.

I stopped at Shonney's for lunch. The chicken was so oily that it gave me indigestion. It tasted good, just too oily. The reason I stopped there is because I had to go to the bathroom and I was hungry at the same time. I'll bet I went to the bathroom 20 times or more in the space of about four hours. It was either the b/p pill or that strong instant coffee. That is why I didn't get much shopping done. I gave up and came home. Where did all that fluid come from?

It continues to be hot and humid, in the 90's and no rain. I think I had one drop of rain on my windshield.

There isn't much new unless I mention that I continue to get phone calls that take up my time and have no merit. Even though I told so and so that I would be out-not home-so and so keeps right on calling, usually several times a day. DRAT!


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