Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hints you probably know

It was just too warm of a day to become involved in hard work or even to do I didn't. I am still waiting for all that promised rain. The dirt in the garden has big cracks in it because it needs water. I guess I'll have to drag the hose out again. I did pick 4 ears of corn and they are in the sink right now.

I thought I would mention a couple of things I do in order to recycle or just be cheap. Brillo Pads. After I get a new Brillo pad out and use it I put it into a jar filled with water and soap pieces. The Brillo stays good-does not rust away or fall apart. You can use it over and over again and it is already pre-soaped.

Peanut Butter containers. They are made of plastic and make good vessels for saving dried split peas or beans. The caps will also fit on top of canning jars and mayonnaise jars if you don't want to save food in plastic.

Vegetable waste goes into the garden for compost. I do wish I had a chipper, though.

Chicken skin and chicken bones can be boiled, strained and be used for chicken broth. You can freeze the broth or can it. I don't do this a lot because of space, but a pint or two of home made broth is nice.

Old socks. Boy, do I have a lot of those! They all have holes in the toes. You can use them for dusting. A damp sock on the end of a broom will take down spider webs and dust from high places.

A teaspoon of Ammonia in the garbage pail or in a garbage bag will keep dogs, cats and wild things from strewing trash all over the neighborhood.

I saw a wild bunny in my yard. I was thinking about trying to catch it and starting a bunny farm right here in Urbania. Well, maybe not.

And how was your day? HOT?

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