Monday, July 26, 2010


I have been thinking about coupons. I go through the coupons that are offered locally and those that are sent to me. What I find to be predominant is fast food coupons, household and hygienic products of one kind or another. Generally, most of us do not need these items that often. It takes a little time to use up a bottle of bleach or lotions to beautify my skin and brighten my teeth. What I look for is coupons for food or grocery items. These are becoming scarce. Good sales on meats are hard to find where I live. The few good coupons I do find are often items that are to close to expiration dates and who wants meat that is close to turning over in its' protein grave? Not me. Once in a while I will find meat that has been repackaged and relabeled. It will be bright red on top and brown on the bottom side. So, I buy most of my meat frozen, but oh, how I wish I had some good coupons for meats.

The ad that came out in local flyer had chicken drumsticks on "sale" for $1.19 a pound. It doesn't take a lot of drumsticks to make a pound and you had to buy three pounds minimum Your buying mostly bone and while I like drumsticks it isn't the best of bargains. So, the store gets to keep its bargain meat pack. I would rather buy the whole chicken 'though I don't need to at the moment. I just pulled one out of the freezer to thaw out and cook in a couple days.

Tomatoes were advertised for $.99 cents a pound. One good tomato can weigh a pound. If a family buys four tomatoes for a one meal...there is four bucks right there. I don't know how much it cost to feed a family of four on just one given day, but it can not be cheap. I hope everyone has a good job or a good income because it gets worse by the day. Gasoline just went up to $2.75 a gallon. I suppose that is "George's fault," too, according to "You Know Who." I only know that things are getting harder and more expensive. Good coupons are scarce and I continues to shout "STOCK UP!

I put about eight small bags of corn in the freezer. I still have a few ears of corn to pick, but it sure wasn't a bumper crop. I still have a few beets to pull/pick and most of the potatoes to dig. Nothing in the garden has done as well as I had hoped for. Again, the promise of rain; not a drop in sight.

I cleaned out the bird bath last evening and put fresh water in it. Oh, happy birds! It's hard to keep water in it as they splash it all over and out. It isn't automatic and I have to carry the water out and fill it just about every day except when, and if it rains. I noticed the birds are perching on the corn stalks. I hope the are just eating bugs and not the tops of the corn ears. I think they are doing a little of both.

The screen of my computer just went black. I didn't lose my post, but I am having the same old security problems and I think someone(s) is riding piggyback on my w/f. So, it is time to quit.


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