Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hot Diet

I'm on a summer "hot" diet. It's called "too hot to eat." It's too hot to cook. I don't wanna. It's too hot to go out to eat. I would have to get into a very hot. I don't wanna. So, it's lunch meat sandwiches diet. Not the proper way to eat, I'm sure, but it to will pass. Soon, I hope.

I could cook. I have food to cook, food in the freezer, food in the pantry, and whenever it cools off I will do the chief thing and fire up the stove or oven. Not right now, though. It si just too, too warm and I don't wanna be uncomfortable.

I went as far as the door to get the mail and came right back in. I got a refund check from the hospital for overpayment. I was in the hospital a year and a half ago. They sent me a $15.00 refund. I got a $10.00 refund from Bank America. What does that say about their accounting and bookkeeping? No wonder we are all broke.

So, I get to spend the "extra" $30.00 dollars on any frivolous item I want, right? It's "found" money, right? Well, lets see. I do need a haircut. I used to do it myself, but now I can't get my right arm up and behind me head to snip away. I need a tank of gas, too. Or...I could buy more frozen vegetables to put in the freezer. Now, here is a plan. Lets see. Ten dollars for gas. Ten dollars for a haircut and ten bucks for frozen veggies. Your right. $10.00 bucks for a haircut isn't very much. The beautician caters to the older ladies on S. S. With a two dollar tip it,s a little better. So, I don't feel too guilty about a cheap shearing and I get shorn.

Even though tomorrow is Sunday I hope it is cool enough to finish mowing the lawn in the front. It won't take long and the weather for the coming week will be very hot, also, so I want to get it done. I don't know if I can get my summer garden in, due to the heat. We shall see.

Well, it's time for a cup of tea and to go back and sit in front of the air conditioner. I'm off! And plodding.


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