Monday, May 14, 2012


The Bible says that there "will be wars and rumors of war" in Mark 13: 7 and in Matt. 24: 6-7.  It seems as if we have been a perpetual conflict, "Police Action or undeclared wars since I was a kid.  When is war justified?  When is war the only solution?
Most wars have been fought for:
 1. power
2. food
3. territory
4. religion

When wars are conducted for power it is a classic case of showmanship of who has the biggest stick with the most clout.

Some wars are really about food and the lack of the basic elements of survival

Most wars that I know of, of are fought over land expansion and about who controls the the riches or material wealth of the county and the people.

And then there is religion.  Wars have been waged over what someone or a group of someones would have you believe in and how the subjects practice one deity.  Or not.  There are nations in this modern day that forbid the organization or commitment to ANY deity or prescribed religion.

In my mind most "modern warfare" is drive by international greed and profit.  As long as a nation can keep a war going there is money to be made and lots of it.  We, in America, will never know where or how much of our tax dollars were spent in killing the innocents as well as the enemy.  We will just never know.  "I saw the enemy and it is me."

Thus said, we have been in a war with Afghanistan for 11 years now and the President says we will be in Afghanistan for another 10 to 12 years.

Afghanistan is a failed war.
Our government is a failed body of law makers
George Bush and Obama have failed this nation.
Afghanistan is another Viet Nam.

We have sent our very best into an endless conflict to die, be maimed or broken.  Why?  For what?  For freedom for other nations while we are losing ours.  Really?  Really.

Is this what God wants for this great nation?  We are to fight proxy wars and defend proxy boarders, but ignore our own?  No.  We were founded on Christian principles and values with room for diversity.  It seems as if we, as a nation have abandoned all that we profess to believe in while many of our Senators, Congressman, and government leader become lethargic and stray from faith and country.

YOU and I can demand better.  WE can demand an end of fruitless wars, conflicts and skirmishes.  WE can not police the world.  We should lead by example, not by gun or silver.  WE can do it.  WE should do it. GOD wants us to do it.  "Peace I give you, Peace I leave you."  So said Jesus Christ.  What do WE say?

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