I know there is a large multi-generation gap between the older Americans that were raised in a different era with a different moral standard, but GOOD GRAVY, the young Americans coming up today do not know what freedoms they have lost or how to get them back again. GOOD GRAVY, so many are riding on the gravy train and are content to do so. After all, there are unemployment benefits, welfare, food stamps, disability benefits, free health care for the undocumented, and the expectations of living well on some one else's dime-the taxpayer. When Social Security was signed into law there was a working force paying into the system. Now there are about only 1 out of 7 paying into the funds that were designed to buffer and protect the elderly, the infirm and the truly poor. Those funds were "stolen" and put into the general funds in order for the Democrats to balance the budget. Funds that were supposed to be held inviolate, never to be drawn from for the general budget. Ha!
I must clarify that there are those who need and have earned theses benefits. I have no issue with them. However, there are people who make a profession out of milking the system, some in my own family. Well, the cash cow is going dry, friends and neighbors, and you may have to get out and milk the goat.
If you are wondering why I am fussing... it is because of what a relative has posted on FaceBook. He thinks Obama is equal with or undestands the country as well as Abe Lincoln. Well, Lincoln was the first to win on the newly formed Republican party. He was a "people's President." I think my distant relative may have been watching Glenn Beck today and arrived at his own conclusion, and not what Beck was trying to get across. We have arrived at a point in history where both the Democrats and the Republicans have lost their ways. Distant relative needs to go back and study a bit more and brush up on history. We DO need change, "change you can count on."
I did go out for a bit today, and yes, it was hot. I went to buy bread and forgot it. I did get crackers though. They will do until I go to the store again. I spent all of $11.36 cents. I am about done with stocking up for a while.
I went to get my dehydrator out and couldn't find it. It is in the back somewhere, among some empty boxes I have been saving. The boxes are gonna go. I don't know what I am saving them for. They are just in my way. I would have started looking earlier, but that blasted phone keeps ringing...and ringing...until I finally pick it up out of frustration, and waste 45 minutes listening to the same old stories.
The reason I was looking for the dehydrator is because (of course) I want to dry some green peppers and Roma tomatoes. I don't have enough to can or freeze, but I could dry some and re-hydrate them at an other time. Roma tomatoes would be so good in 'sgetti sauce, soups 'n stuff.
Yup, I am still reading that book!
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