Friday, August 20, 2010

Minor hoarder-junk and usless objet collector-me

My quest today has been, and is, to get rid of old empty boxes. I have small boxes inside of bigger boxes that are inside of bigger boxes. Some are bagged up, ready for the next pick up day. I have a ways to go on my de-junking, and de-hording agenda. Also, I have found some things that I had forgotten I had, such as a few expensive collectibles that I had purchased while I was still working. I found a few old books that I knew I had somewhere, but couldn't remember where I had put them. I have a collection of old math books containing the old math that isn't taught anymore. I found a collectible Beer Stein that I bought years ago. Some the "found objects" were "lost" to me when my land lady passed away and I needed to vacate. The people that helped me move just threw everything into boxes. I am still sorting some things out, but the room full of empty boxes is my very own fault. I am working on it.

Later: I am glad I got as much done as I did today. I did it by not answering the phone. I now have three yard bags full of old boxes. If I could have...would have...crushed the boxes ,I would not have used up so many yard bags. I also need to rearrange some canning jars and organize the things I want to keep. The slight drop in temperature has made the work bearable.

This evening my supper was Ramen Noodles with the mushrooms I bought on sale a week ago. It was fairly good and a couple pats of butter enhanced it. If I had been real ambitious I would have added some meat or fish to the dish. Remember when Ramen Noodles sold 10 packs for $1.00? It is down to 5 for a dollar now. Still, it can make a good meal for not too much money and a little ingenuity. Ask any collage student from the days of yore. Easy to fix, easy to eat, easy on the pocketbook.

I hope to get some more "hoeing out" done tomorrow, as well as some yard work and maybe some garden work. It may rain, but if it is like all the other forecasting done this summer, it will be hot, humid and dry.

THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD I SHALL NOT WANT (first line of psalm 23)...I would be satisfied with a little get up and go, but we always want...don't we.


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