Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Missing Links

tThis is a picture of the freezer on the front porch. It is about 99% full and 90% of
it is meat. I went to take a picture of the freezer on the back porch and couldn't because the batteries were low. The freezer on the back porch has mostly meat in it, also. I have another small freezer in a back room which is about half full. I thought I would have more veggies to go into the freezer, but the high heat and local lack of rain sucked my garden dry...very dry.
Some one requested to be linked to this blog on Aug. 02, but forgot to tell me who, what, where and the name of their web site. I need the information in order to consider it.

This was a lazy day. I did wash two loads of cloths and dried them, hung cloths on hangers, and folded a few things and rolled socks. I ventured outside and picked off some Roma and Cherry tomatoes. I avoided the phone as much as possible.

Tomorrow I may go out to get regular bread. I have some in the freezer, but I want to keep it there. I want to get a few snack items to help ruin my waist line. Big brother Harry has a freezer full, too, but mostly of sweets and goodies. I guess that can keep you going for a while if the snow doesn't blow and the creek doesn't come up. However, where he lives, there are other problems to tornadoes and stuff like that.
Beverly has sent me a nice package of dry yeast. I can not find it locally so I am glad to have it. It is much appreciated.
I am still reading Ayn Rand. It is a complex book and you just can't skim through it. I am watching THE COLONY, and DUEL SURVIVOR on the Discovery Channel. I guess survivalism has gone main stream. I was trying to watch Armageddon, but the telephone was going ring...ring. When the phone rings I have to go to another room to pick it up or look at the caller ID. Most people do not have my cell phone number and I hope most people (some) never get it.
So...another day is done. I noticed that the days are getting shorter. Where it was getting dark around 8:15-8:30, it is now getting dark just after 7 p.m. or so. I will be glad to see the extreme heat go, but I hope it doesn't lead us into an extreme winter.

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