Thursday, August 12, 2010


The very short post that I wrote last evening has been deleted on purpose. It didn't amount to anything. It just explained that I lost a blog to the vagaries of the Internet.

We finally got a taste of rain. It wasn't much of a rain, just a short sprinkle. Other places all around, did get rain. We got a little wind which blew my porch umbrella over. The best thing to result from that little sprinkle was that the temperature dropped from 101 to 84 degrees. The humidity remains high, but at least we are not roasting on a slow spit over very warm coals. Tomorrow the heat will be high again, but next week may be more livable, even if it becomes a little uncomfortable.

I have a second cousin who may hate me. I have been critiquing his writing on FaceBook. No one likes to have someone tell you that your literary efforts need corrections or directions. His does. He is young yet, and he will learn. No one on FaceBook seems to write well with the exception of a few older people. Education has changed a lot. If you can read well, you can write well. And what you don't know you can look up online or in that old fashioned book called a "dictionary." I would like to tell my second cousin to use a dictionary, a get an older English school book on punctuation and grammar. I just don't dare to upset his apple cart and discourage him.

I have had a head ache all day. I think it is from the atmospheric pressure. At first I thought I didn't eat enough. I ate some more! I still have a head ache...duh. I guess I will break down and take a Tylenol before I go to bed.

I am going to call it a day, go take the bitter pill and go to bed.


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