Tuesday, November 23, 2010

All right then. I got the hair cut and it would look OK, if not for a lot of the silver present and noticeable. Then I went and got the van registered along with the 1960 Rambler and the 1976 RV. Now someone else has my money-I don't. Before December is at it's end all three must have the insurance paid and up to date. Does it ever end? I will have to get the plates for the RV and Rambler later...much later. To reward myself...or console myself... I stopped at Captain D's for gumbo, hot chocolate and Key lime Pie, spending less than $ 5.00.

It has turned cold. I left the house with just a sweater on and now it is getting back into a November mode. On Thanksgiving Day the lower and mid-Ohio valley may have rain, sleet or snow...or all of it. Mother Nature, take a brake for a few days and stay away...OK?

Today I got a "little" gas. Yesterday it was $2.67, today it jumped ten cents and tomorrow it will probably jump another ten cents. I suppose that is free enterprise at work right around the holidays....I guess. I "tanked up" with about 5-1/2 gallons of gas. With about a $.50 cent tax on each gallon of gas I could of gotten about two more gallons of gas for my money. Remember the movie THE POSTMAN where he says, "Stuff is getting better." Well, is it? Doesn't really feel like it to me.

Tomorrow-Wednesday-I will be cooking a few things to take to a friend's house; deviled eggs, oyster dressing and barbecued Little Smokies Links are on my list, and I am thinking of Applesauce Cookies to add to the list. I know I will eat too much on Thursday. I hope all of us will remember what the day really signifies.
Psalm 18, vs. 8-9
1 can Eagle Brand Milk
2 lbs. powered sugar
1/4 lb of butter
1 lb. pecans
1 tsp. vanilla
1 can of coconut(bag)
12 oz. chocolate chips
6 oz. butterscotch chips
1/4 lb. para wax
Mix milk, sugar, butter, vanilla, nuts and coconut together, rolling into balls. Melt chocolate chips and butterscotch chips with para wax in a double boiler. Coat preceding balls. Place on a buttered pan and chill.
I bought a bag of pecans a couple of months ago and put them in the refrigerator. Now they are a bit more "pricey. You might try using another kind of nut such as Walnuts if you can find some that are not too expensive. I have never found coconut in a can.
This is just an after thought. As I was putting the new sticker on the licence plate of the van, I heard a growing behind me, The "dawg" from next door had slipped it's leash and was making like a nasty dog. I know that you are not supposed to show fear or look an aggressive dog in the eye...so I didn't. Dog would not go away and was doing his best to be a dog. The man across the street came running over with a golf club and chased the "said" dog off. Mr. Goldsberry said he has to carry a club now when he walks his little dog. I have something to carry, too. It is a .38 and I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Bang, dang dog ! It isn't only the two legged dogs that you need to be wary off!

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