Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey got his tail feathers wet

I won't write much tonight. I got up early and now I am tired. I ate well, but tried not to eat too much. I had a piece of Pecan Pie which was a real treat for me as I never cook pies for myself. I can't remember when I had a piece of home made Pecan Pie.
We have had over three inches of rain and it continues off and on. Some of the lower places are "ponding" and some low streets are flooding. I am "up" so I don't really have that particular problem. With the rain came the wind and cold air.
The deviled eggs were and always, are a big hit. I don't know about the other stuff I took over as there was wall to wall people and wall to wall food.
I am going to bed soon and am not doing this post justice. Happy Holi(Holy)days.

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