Thursday, February 3, 2011

Another day of soup, but the swelling in my face is a little  less and my jaw and  teeth are a little less painful.  I still can't open my mouth very wide, but I did manage some toast this afternoon.  What I really want is a nice tender steak. All good things are worth waiting for.
Kentucky was right on the edge of the winter blizzard that passed through yesterday.  All we got was some flurries and some fine pellet-like snow.  Behind that came the cold and wind.  We got off lucky.  It is supposed to snow on Monday.  I hope to get out tomorrow in spite of my fat face and get a couple things done that need to be attended to.

I have been drinking a lot of milk this week, to buffer all that mede
icine I have been taking.  I need more milk and a couple of other things to make life more pleasant.

I haven't done much this past week.  I didn't even get the trash out to the alley for pick-up.  It is sitting on the back porch waiting to be carried out to the fence.  Unless that bag grows legs it will habitat right where it is until next Wed.  It is a good thing it isn't stinky stuff.

Even though my face is no longer the size of a baseball(now like a golf ball) I am still not up to par; this is another  short post.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Mabel, I am glad to hear it is improving slowly,,, slowly is better than not at all. Yes you did luck out if you did not get much.

I have some pictures on my blog I posted yesterday of the storm here.

I have not written today because I have been on the go with so many errands and such.

Still praying for your total healing.
Love, Alice