I will "sort of" take the day off tomorrow. There are a lot of things that need to be done and the "maid" quit. The maid is me, of course. It is a good thing I don't have to pay myself for work accomplished or I would be perpetually broke. There are days that I feel like the Hoarders that you see on TV. Well, at least the garbage is out, the dishes washed and I can walk through the living room and straight to the refrigerator. I get my exercises...walking back and forth to the 'fridge.
I did some shopping yesterday afternoon. I got bread for .39 cents, chicken noodle soup for .49 cents, 4 boxes of cereal for 1.49 each. I bought other canned items and saved on them, also. By the end of the week I will need to go back and get a gal. of milk for .99 cents. I wish everyone had access to a good, saving store like Ruler.
I had intended to take some items to church this morning for the pantry box, but I was lazy and just got to mass before it started. Which means that I didn't take time to sort it out. Tomorrow I will sort some food items out and take them in on Friday...and leave home EARLY! Or at least earlier.
Anyway, I do hope I can make tomorrow a work day and not a shirk day. I may not get everything done that needs to be done, but I will take a good crack at it.
As I posted so much last evening I am making this a bit short as I need to go to bed before 1 A.M. Hmmm, do you think that I stayed up too late last night and that is why I was so slow this morning? Naa, not me!
Matt. 4: 4
Jesus spoke these words after the Devil tried to tempt Him into turning stones into bread after He had fasted in the desert for forty days. If I believe in Jesus, then I must also believe in the devil and that he is alive, well, and very active. It might have been him that was tempting me to stay in bed this morning where it was nice and cozy, warm and sheltering. Well, I did get up and going, but the desire not to move was certainly there. I am a weak person and I expect that my resolve will be tested when the as the days get colder and darker. Pray that I can fight temptation on cold, wintry days that are just a few weeks away.
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