Saturday, October 6, 2012


We don't hear much about prophecy anymore outside of the context of the Old Testament.  Why not?  Did God decide that we, His people, have nothing new to reveal of His Divine Nature?  I think that God's people have stopped accepting divine revelation due to learned and forced inhibitions.  We don't listen anymore.  No one wants to be looked upon as a "religious nut case" in this day and age of imperious science and progressiveness.  No one wants to rock the modern boat, cause a leak or perhaps fall overboard.  No one wants to be judged as a new age kind of heretic in or out of the church.  Everyone wants to say to the other  person, "You say it, you do it. You write it. You be the one to be mocked in the here and now."  Are you guilty of I guilty of it...we are all guilty of it.

Prophecy is not the same as Evangelizing.  To evangelize we spread the Word of God through the Gospels of the Apostles.  Someone else did the hard work for us by dying on the Cross, that the Word might be known and spread.  To evangelizes, we go forth to convert by and to our faith, by word, action and deeds.  We try to live the Word and by example and inner conviction.  All of us should make an honest attempt to evangelize The Word of God.

To prophesize we must be open to Divine Inspiration.  We need to open our hearts  and spirits to the supernatural contact of serving as an intermediary, a person chosen to speak for God.  We are all called to make God known to our brothers and sisters.  A prophet is  something of a specialist, He or She is is deeply committed to hearing the divine message or Word that is is submitted into our indwelling soul of souls.

God will not generally walk up to your front door and ring the doorbell or knock loudly to get you attention and ask you if you want the job of being a prophet.  You must listen deeply and with a reverence that most of us do not have and accept a task of "janitor,"  willing to sweep aside all the trash and garbage that we are fed on a daily basis.  We consume the junk ideology of the modern world and are getting fat on it. a modern day prophet...must be ready to get lean and trim for the Lord.  To walk in a prophets shoes will be painful if not sorrowful, and be dependent on a strength that is not our own. 

I believe there are yet a few chosen prophets that have been chosen, ready, willing and are walking on the hot coals of this world that we have set on fire.  Will I ever met a prophet?  Will I know one if I one bumped into one?  Maybe, but probably not, because a prophet is not accepted in His/Her own country.

I use this poor blog as an instrument of evangelizing.  I may not be very good at it, but I give it a whirl.  It is the best I know how. Perhaps not the best that I can do. No, I am not a prophet...only a person who thinks a lot...maybe too much.di

This has been a slightly kind of off beat blog, but it is what I have been thinking. 


1 comment:

prettiepet said...

I agree. I guess if God wants someone to give a message He will provide the means. It would be hard to go toEWTN or Catholic TV and say " I have a message can I have 20 min. air time?" I think the way to deliver is a bigger problem than listening.